Sunday, November 18, 2012

"I March My Baaaaaaaaand OUT! I Beeeeeeeeeeat My DRUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                 Girls, let me be the first to tell you, the one day that adage "Today is the first day of the rest of your life" applies, is the day on which you were born.  And today, darlings, happens to be it  for me!!!!  Now, as always my PROFESSIONAL age is still 24, but today--can you believe it-- I actually turn--oh, my God!!!!!!!!--58!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Which makes exactly 21, 070 days on Earth!!!!!!!!!!!  What a ride it has been!!!!!!!!  Having received a nice array of cards and presents from my beloved Monsieur, my father and sister, I am going to dine this afternoon/evening at Chadwick's, the 1940 style steak house in Bay Ridge!

                                                     But 58!!!!!!!  In just two years, I turn 60!!!!!!!!!!!  Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How did this happen?????????  Where did the years go?????????????  But another year means the gift of blogging still to all my girls, trying to become BARBRA, not to mention a whole constellation of literary, screen and theatrical discoveries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     My skin tones are still gorgeous, girls!!!!!!!!!!  Moisturizing pays off!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Another year is History, the present is History to be made!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Hallelujah, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Happy Birthday! Today is also my mom's birthday. She's 85 and still going strong! Scorpios are tough!


  2. Thank you so much--and to your Mother, too! In present time, my/our birthday is shared with Chloe Sveigny, Owen Wilson and Linda Evans!!! BUT, when she was alive, it was shared with...Dorothy Collins! Given my "Follies" penchant, that is what I am proudest of!

    BTW, technically sopeaking, you won the "Where Do I Dine" contest! So if you want ot go to Cahdwick's, let me know! Just give me some time to recover from yesterday's meal!!!!!
