Monday, November 19, 2012

Like Scarlett Stuffing Herself Before The Barbecue, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!

                                             When you get to be my age, girls, birthdays become a little more quiet and sedate.  No more Pin The Tail On The Donkey, or even The Macho Stud, just a quiet, sedate day and a special occasion dinner.    And mine was held this year in  Bay Ridge, at Chadwick's!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Darlings, if you live in the Ridge, and have not been, it is about time!  And if you don't, it is worth a trip into Brooklyn, for few, if any restaurants extant, have this kind of  old fashioned coziness and charm!!!!!  And the cuisine is ample and luscious!!!!!!!!!!

                                                You have heard me already on the French doors, and the 1940 atmosphere!  Shades of Dorothy McGuire!!!!!!!!!!  But inside, you get romantic lighting, a fireplace, chandeliers and sconces, and white tablecloths, with little miniature lamps.  I am telling you, Monsieur and I felt just like Claudette Colbert and Joseph Cotten in "Since You Went Away!!!!"

                                                Not only was the meal--which I will recount, loves--fabulous, we were also, by good fortune, given the cutest waiter in the establishment--Richard!!!!!!!!!  He was so delicious, we just wanted to wrap him up, and take him hone!!!!!  Or have him for desert!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  I think both of us are still recovering from the meal.  Our downfall, I think were the appetizers; we ordered two, where one would have been  enough.  My favorite was the  skewered tomato, mozzarella and eggplant in balsamic dressing--so light and flavorful!!!!  But we also had an order of fried calamari and zucchini--together--which I have to admit was scrumptious also!!!!!!!!!!  Our main course was a Porterhouse Steak For Two, cut and sliced with such perfection, it was the easiest, and tenderest steak to eat!!!!!!!!!  You can bet we took some of this home.  Served with Chadwick's trademark sliced potatoes and spinach with caramelized onions, this was one Special Occasion Meal!!!!!!!!!!  I washed it down with my usual glass of Merlot, while Monsieur, in honor of the day, had a gin and tonic!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Don't think we passed on desert!  How can one, on a birthday????? I had the chocolate truffle cake, with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream.  Thanks to Monsieur, Richard served it with a candle, and "Happy Birthday" was sung to me, which I appreciated.  The desert was luscious.  Monsieur had the Peach Melba, which looked good, served in a cookie kind of taco-like shell that could be eaten, too!  I don't think he quite finished it, and we took some steak slices home!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Somehow, though stuffed, we made it out of the place, and back to ours, where we fell into an almost narcotized stupor for the rest of the night!  But a lovely time was had by all!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Chadwick's is not to be missed! For food and Romance, this is the place to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        A fabulous way to turn 58, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Now see, if I had known you were being Claudette Colbert and Joseph Cotten, I would have barged in as Agnes Moorehead and bitchily interrupted!


  2. And we would have loved a visit from Agnes! Though you could also have helped serve the meal as Velma Cruther! Just LOVE Agggie in that role!
