Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Myths Just Keep Getting Added On To Myths, Girls!!!!!!!!!

                                  As I stated in my earlier, 'Close Enocunters' posting, one of the theories for the disappearance of Flight 19 had to do with technology from the lost continent of Atlantis. This is a myth that has fascinated me for eons--who can forget Supergirl kissing Jerro the Merboy, and being embarrassed because, since everyone down there communicated by thought, there was no privacy???????

                                   Only I would remember something like that, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Atlantis is a legendary island, first mentioned by Plato, around 360 B.C.  There has been debates for centuries over whether it is just a legend, or whether it is real!!!!!!!!!!!  I favor the latter, darlings, but then, remember, I believe in Odo Island and Gojira!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     And it was eons ago, that Atlantis sank beneath the sea, in a single day!!!!!! This particular rendering happens to be MY favorite; its use of color is striking!!!!!   Some believe that the citizens were being punished by the Gods for their arrogance; the mythical equivalent of, say Noah and the Flood, with the Earth being flooded. Which is how the myth of Atlantis might have evolved.  Popular legend places it in Western Europe, in or near the Mediterranean Sea.

                                       The sinking has been the subject of magnificent paintings and murals by artists.  In 1961, filmmaker George Pal made a trash film called "Atlantis--The Lost Continent," which has the trashiest rendering of the disaster seen on film!!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, just look at that!!!!!!!!  Isn't it trashy????? Like college kids filming in their bathtub!!!!!!!  And much of the film is stock footage from other MGM films like "Quo Vadis," or "The Last Days Of Pompeii".

                                         But I just love the myth of Atlantis--especially the idea of an entire island sinking beneath the sea and vanishing.  Hell, after Sandy, it could happen to New York!!!!!!  Though, hopefully not in our lifetimes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           And who could begin to believe the tales that would be told about Manhattan???????

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