Wednesday, December 19, 2012

And, Briefly, On A Sad Note!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       If you have been reading me for awhile, darlings, you recognize this iconic photograph. Today, Tyler Clementi, had he lived, would have turned 21!!!!!!!!!!  He would have been free and legal!!!!!!!!!!!!  I can only wish he had lived to see this day, and to offer support and prayers to his parents and siblings, for whom this day has to be a painful reminder of what might have been!

                                       Yet there is the Tyler Clementi Foundation, to help alienated youth,  And recently, Alexandra Kelly, herself a Rutgers grad, released a song called "Perfectly Imperfect," chronicling a young person's quest to find solace with his own individuality.  She is using it to raise both awareness and funds for The Tyler Clementi Foundation, and I applaud Alexandra for her humanistic sense.

                                         I only wish Tyler could be here to appreciate it all.  But, in some ways, he is, as long as those like Alexandra and yours truly, continue to speak out on his behalf, and for  others like him!!!!!!!!!

                                           Happy Would-Be Birthday, Tyler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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