Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Time To Go Back In The Closet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Now, don't worry, girls, I am not joining some ex-gay movement!!!!!!!!!  What??????  Are you kidding??????????????????

                                        No, we have reached that time of year, where it is 30 days past my birthday, and so Birthday Party Barbie, whom I have had since 1999, goes back in the closet, until she emerges again, 335 days later!!!!!!!!!!  She enjoyed a wonderful reign at her new palatial digs with Monsieur and moi in Bay Ridge, centered among a glittering bevy of cards, of which one I kept, and now it is time to truly get on with the Christmas Holidays, displaying the cards and ornaments we have already, and may subsequently receive.

                                           Another birthday, another Barbie!!!!!!!!!!!  Thanks so much, doll, and hope to see you next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            I told you this day had importance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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