Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Day Of Lasts, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Well, not too many, darlings, but the important one, is when the day ends today, I will have worked my last day in 2012.  The next time I put the mill to the grindstone will be in the year 2013, when who knows what will happen, be told off, or removed to the cornfield, courtesy of Little Anthony Fremont!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  For the next two weeks, I will be celebrating the Holidays with my beloved, as well as visiting my sister and father. And you know we are going to see "Les Miserables," which you will be sure to get a full report on, girls, when I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I have reading, writing, celebrating Monsieur's birthday (he is a New Year baby!!!!!!!) so the next two weeks should be fun ahead!!!!!!!!!!  I plan to be on here, as much as I can, but
I want to start by wishing all my girls the Happiest of Holidays and the Merriest of Christmases!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Yule Tide greetings to all!!!!!!!!!!!! Burn that log!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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