Thursday, December 20, 2012

No Surprise Here, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Girls, as odd as it may seem, you have to feel a little sorry for James Holmes!!!!! Having fired a galaxy of bullets into a Colorado movie theater on July 20, he was certainly looking good for Bitch Of The Year!!!!!!!!!  That is, until last Friday, December 14, when Adam Lanza shot his mother at their Newtown, Connecticut, home, then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School, gunning down twenty first graders, and six caring adults!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Not only is he indisputably this week's Bitch Of Th Week, he is looking good for Bitch Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!! To think someone actually displaced James Holmes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Of course, with both Adam and his mother, Nancy, deceased, the reasons behind this tragedy may have been taken to their graves.  Psychotherapists and behaviorists will be piecing this together for some time, and we may not know the full story.  But does it matter, in the wake of so many dead, in something that, somehow, could have been prevented??????????

                                          Adam Lanza was a time bomb that needed detonation.  Who knows what efforts his mother made, but was it too little too late?  A 20 year old, and she is still searching for a school for him; he was supposedly going to one in Washington?????  What does that mean? At his age, he should be a sophomore or junior in college!!!!!!!!!  And reports are that he was brilliant, so why was he being treated like someone who needed to be in a Special Ed class for adults???????????   Where were the social workers, the crisis interventionists, in evaluating Adam?????????  Why did his mother remove him to be home schooled????????  Did the school system have his number, and she didn't like what she heard, and chose to ignore it?????????

                                           I am sure many people, most especially the victims' families, are asking these questions, and more!  And Peter Lanza, Adam's father, has much weighing on his shoulders than anyone should have to bear!!!!!!!!!  Let us not forget him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           And let us not forget what Adam did, so that others like him do not do it again!!!!!!!!!!!

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