Thursday, December 20, 2012

"If Fantine Doesn't Look Out, Watch How She Goes, She'll Be Out On The Street!"

                                Another look, darlings, at Anne Hathaway as Fantine in "Les Miserables," which, by my calculations, I will not be seeing until December 29.  And I won't be going alone. Because when I read or see the story of Fantine, I live it.  I am Fantine.  When I look at this photo of Anne, I see me.

                                 We live in such a capitalistic society that has no mercy for the downtrodden, just like the France of "Les Miserables."  In New York, especially, you have to hang by your claws, or, if you don't, you end up out on the street, like Fantine!  So, when I read, or see Fantine, I am confronting this worst fear about myself!  Which, much as I want the role, I would hesitate about taking it on--it would tear me up too much, emotionally--and why I don't sing "I Dreamed A Dream" too many times, unless under rare and special circumstances, because, in order to do it, I have to go to this place where Fantine is, and living in that moment is not a bit pleasant, I can tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     I can tell just from this photo alone, Anne will nail Fantine like no other.  From what I have seen, this will the rawest and most realistic portrayal of her story. No wonder people are saying when she goes, the movie takes a dive.  Though you can't fault the film; it goes back to Victor Hugo--by starting out with Fantine, he shoots his bolt in a way.  You really don't care about the other characters (except maybe Valjean and Cosette)--not that silly Eponine, and not those silly student insurrectionists.  And yet, so great a grasp has Fantine on things, that, even when not there, her presence hangs over the story.

                                      I am telling you, I will be carried from the theater on a gurney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      "Looooook, Monsieurrrrrrrrrrrrrr, where all the chilllllllllllldren plaaaaaaaaaaay!"

                                        I cannot wait to hear Anne sing that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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