Monday, December 31, 2012

Can You Believe That After Today, We (2012) Are History?????????

                              Just think, darlings, today is the last day of 2012!!!!!!!!!!!  How did we get to this point, so fast????????  As we get older, girls, it seems, more and more, that the years speed up.  So 2012 just whizzed by!!!!!!!!!!  There were plenty of memorable events and happenings during, and I will talk about these, as the Raving Queen wraps up the present year, and makes ready for the next!

                               Was 2012 a good year??????????  It sure was, and my hope for 2013 is that it be just as good.  I am not asking for miracles, here, just stability!!!!!!!!!!  And for all my girls, as well!!!!!!!!!

                                 And tonight we take that cup of kindness yet, for Auld Lang's Syne!!!!!!!!!

                                Drink from that cup, but not too much, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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