Sunday, December 30, 2012

Girls, I Am Telling You, That Will Chase Has Got SOME Nerve!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Amazingly, enough, darlings, this post, in a way, relates to the previous one. Though what I am about to relate happened yesterday, before we left home to see "Les Miserables!"

                                   I was watching the Saturday edition of "On Stage" on New York One, hosted by that Queenie guy Frank Di Lella, who surely escaped from a blue collar Italian family on Staten or Long Island, as  sure as I am now breathing!!!!!!!!!!  His two guests were Stephanie J. Block and Will Chase, lead players in the Roundabout's wonderful production of "The Mystery Of Edwin Drood," which you have heard me on.  And Miss Block, charming and gracious as always, had the presence of mind to mention Jessie Mueller.

                                   But it was something towards the end that aroused my ire.  Di Lella asked the two what three non-gender roles they would like to play, if given the chance, in musical theater.

                                   Stephanie made some interesting choices.   She said Sweeney Todd, in the show of that same name, Papa Ge in "Once On This Island," and Jean Valjean in "Les Miserables."  As she said, of the last, "Who wouldn't want to sing "Bring Him Home?"

                                     Will Chase was next.  Now, understand, I like him. He is nice to look at, he is a marvelous John Jasper in 'Drood', and he was so wonderful, along with Malcom Gets, in "The Story Of My Life," even if the show was so awful.

                                        I was curious as to what roles Will would cite.  I honestly expected him to say "Evita," because it is a big, juicy, musically challenging role, and there are plenty of actual queens out there who do want to play it.  Just ask Ricky Martin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Mr. Chase cited two interesting roles.  He instantly said Mrs, Lovett in "Sweeney Todd," stating how great it would be to play opposite Stephanie's Sweeney.  Which she concurred with, and which is something, lambs, I would LOVE to see!!!!!!!!!!!!! He also mentioned, I think, Laurey in "Oklahoma!"   But then he said something which set my teeth on edge.  The NERVE of him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          He said he would like to play Fantine in "Les Miserables!"

                                          Let me make one thing clear, not only to my girls, but to Mr. Will Chase.  When a man is finally given the opportunity to play this role, it is going to be ME!!!!!!!!!!  Fantine is MY part, and no Broadway upstart is going to take it from me!!!!!!!!!!  You can bet I am better than Daphne Rubin-Vega!!!!!!  Well, hell, so is anyone!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I want to offer a direct challenge to Mr. Will Chase here and now!  You get us in front of a piano, with accompanist, and let each of us do "I Dreamed A Dream."  Then whomever is there can judge.  You think you can play Fantine, Will??????????  MY Fantine will knock the role and that song out of the ball park, leaving you all by yourself on home plate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You want Fantine???? I'LL give you Fantine!!!!!!!!

                                             Since Mr. Chase is so delectable looking, why doesn't he opt for something that allows him to use that  and his musical theater talents--like Lola in "Damn Yankees?"  Now, that is something I would LOVE to see!!!!!!!!!!!!  As would all of my girls, I am sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              But Fantine??????????  Don't you DARE mess with it, Will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Put that idea from your mind, right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 You hear me, Will?  Stick to Cosette, you coquette!!!!!!!!!!!!

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