Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Darlings, The Monsters Aren't Just On Maple Street!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Something about last night's "Unusual Suspects" program, "A Bike Ride To Murder," struck me as familiar. The minute I heard the name Amanda Gaeke, something clicked. And the minute I saw and heard the name David Webb Kim, I knew I had seen this case done before on some other program.

                           Amanda Gaeke was a sweet, innocent nine-year-old girl, going about the business of being a child in the North Park section of San Diego, California. On October 3, 1991, she never returned from a bike ride she set out on.  Eleven days later, in an outdoor area, her decomposed body was found--wrapped in a blanket. Examination showed she had been tortured, and sexually assaulted.

                            This case went cold for about 8 years.  Then, in 1999, a neighbor of the Gaekes tipped investigators off to another neighbor, David Webb Kim, an unsavory character, who was 16, at the time of the murder.  With no remorse, David told investigators calmly how he apprehended Amanda on her bike, brought her into his house, kept her prisoner under his bed for two days, drugging, torturing and assaulting her, before deciding he had to kill her. He strangled Amanda, then got rid of the body.

                                Oh, and while Amanda was imprisoned, though alive, David went about his business of going to school, just like any other 16-year-old.   What I want to know, girls, is where were the parents in all of this; because, let me tell you, if anything of a suspicious nature was going on in my bedroom, my parents would certainly have sensed it, most likely picking up on it from changes in my behavior.  It makes me wonder if the Kim parents should be charged too.  But hold on, because, remember, this is painfully familiar..

                                  On October 13, 1997, six years after Amanda, in Jackson Township, New Jersey little Eddie Werner, then 11, was murdered by his dangerous 15-year-old neighbor, Sam Manzie.  Eddie was selling products for his Scout troop, and, when he got to the Manzie house, Sam invited him in, where he raped, sodomized, and killed Eddie.  Then, like David, he dumped the body, in a suitcase, in the woods.

                                     In both cases, if people had been wise to the mental instability of the perps, these tragedies could have been avoided.  As well as the murder of Megan Kanka, on July 29, 1994 by sex offender Jesse Timmendequas.  Whose history no one had a clue to, and which resulted in the formation of Megan's Law.

                                        Yes, the monsters are out there, girls, but if they are not recognized in time, these senseless tragedies occur.  Poor Amanda.  How could she know of such evil, but why didn't David's parents recognize signs, and do something about him????????   Maybe they should not have been charged with Amanda's death, but I am sure, to this day, it rests on their consciences!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Jesse, Sam and David are now incarcerated.  Society is safe from them.  Why did it take sacrificing three children's lives, to get them to that point?????????????????

                                              Watch out, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. His mother was just as terrified of him as you would be if you sat alone in a room with him...


  2. First, whose mother are you referring to? Am not clear.
    I agree she was terrified of him, but surely there were times
    when whomever was out of the house, and she could have taken
    more action.

  3. David's mother was in other countries a lot amd is believed to have been in Hong Kong at the time. His mother was an amazing women maybe even still is now.


  4. Amazing in what sense? I wouldn't use
    that word as a compliment with regard to her!

    1. Did you know the women?! No! I did she was an amazing women that helped people with a lot because she could. She was wealthy and and used it for good!


  5. Be that as it may, her son became a monstrous
    killer, and she could not stop that!!!!!!!!!!

  6. She helped a lot of people with her wealth... Except the one person who she was SUPPOSED to help... Her son. As a mother, our responsibility to love, care, help, guide, and teach our children should come above all else... And above EVERYONE else...


  7. I couldn't agree more. If she was too busy jet setting about the world, trying to be an Oriental Jackie O, then she asked for it. But that poor innocent child had to suffer because of it!

  8. I knew Amanda before she was killed. She was a sweet little 9 year old girl. Perhaps David's mother should have paid closer attention to her son's behavior but I used to see Ananda walking around late at night by herself and she was also allowed to wear makeup and got pants which u did not feel was appropriate for her age. So I feel like her mother or grandmother should have watched her more closely. But we can't go back and change that and I'm sure that her family realizes that and has to live with the what ifs for the rest of their lives.


  9. So, are you saying the killer
    might have been draw to Amanda
    more, because she was a sexualized child?
    I agree that to dress a child that way
    is wrong, and what is that about letting
    her wander so late at night? That is
    completely inappropriate behavior, and
    warranted calling Child Services.

    Her killing must have had some impact
    on you. You have my sympathy and prayers.

  10. Going to school with david, I didnt think he would have done all this. I even went over to his place a few times. He would show off a katana sword. He told me his moms alway at work and his father was never home. Those times I was over at his place I have never met his parents. I remembered seeing a picture of his dad brandishing a pistol looking like he's in a mafia or something like that. I'm not sure how many years later I met david after school at San Diego high school. I don't remember what year this was but it was sometime in 93, 94, or 95. We just chatted for a little bit then went on our own ways. I remembered at that time he was dressed all in black.

  11. Duy,
    I am sure at the time you knew
    David his pathology was not
    preesent. I beet puberty
    unleashed it.

    It must be hard to reckon
    the David you kneww with what
    he became. My childhood friend
    died an embittered alcoholic.

    The dressing all in black perhaps
    marked the beginning........

    Lucky for you being out of touch,
