Saturday, December 8, 2012

That Nasty Mamacita In "The Leopard Man!!!!!!!"

                             Darlings, let me tell you, when it comes to bad parenting few examples can top nasty Mamacita in Jacques Tourneur's 1943 film, "The Leopard Man."  And if, like me, you saw this film as child, you know exactly what I am talking about.

                               Mamacita has sent her daughter out into the night, to buy corn meal.  An escaped leopard has been prowling the village. The daughter is a study in terror.  She almost makes it home, when she sees a pair of eyes, staring at her in the dark, which turns to be the leopard, ready to pounce.

                                 She runs to home, screaming to be let in. looking behind her, knowing the leopard is in hot pursuit.  But that nasty Mamacita thinks she is only playing, and mimics and dawdles.  Well, it proves to be too much. She feels the force of her daughter's body falling against the door, hears her death throe, she begins to scream, but it is too late.  The camera follows her eyes a trickle of blood pours under the door from outside.

                                      Now, nasty Mamacita knows what she has done. She has let her daughter be killed by the leopard.  Imagine having to live with that, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!  Too bad that leopard did not take a big old bite out of Mamacita!!!!!!!!!  She deserved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I have not seen this film since childhood, lambs, but it is something I have never forgotten.  Perfect for traumatizing kids at a vulnerable age, who need to feel safe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       The only way I will feel safe with this leopard, darlings, is as a sable around my neck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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