Saturday, December 22, 2012

Darlings, What A Delightfully Twisted Tale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Girls, I just finished reading "The Sculptress" a few minutes ago, and just HAD to tell you how thrilling this was.  I had never heard of it, or its author, Minette Walters, till about two weeks ago, when a coworker passed it on to me, with highest recommendation.  I have to say she was right.

                                                 Olive Martin, a grotesquely obese woman, has been imprisoned for six years, accused of the murder and dismemberment of  her mother, Gwen, and sister, Amber.  Enter Roz Leigh, a freelance writer, seeking to write a book about Olive.  Olive is self-righteous, in an almost defensive way, about the fact that she did do it.  But did she?????????  That is the voyage the reader takes with Roz, to find out the truth!!!!!!!!
                                                 I am telling you, this story has everything--familial hate, sexual hypocrisy, homosexuality, possible schizophrenia, legal corruption, plus a gallery of some of the most despicable characters depicted with in the confines of a book.  And I am not talking about Olive.  By the time the reader gets to the end, there are so many characters one want s to string up by the neck--and none would be a wrong decision!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Minette Walters' first novel, "The Ice House," was acclaimed within its genre, and after reading this book, I want to read this earlier work, as well.  She is a writer to keep one's eye on, and she spins compellingly readable yarns!

                                                    Sometimes the unplanned can be a delightful surprise!  If "The Sculptress" is not part of your plans, darlings, make it one!  You will be enraptured by the fireplace on these cold Winter nights!

                                                      With a bowl of wassail by your side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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