Saturday, December 22, 2012

"When I Awake At Seven, I See You, And The Angels Sing!!!!!!!!!!"

                                      Sweeties, this may be the last time you hear from me for a bit, as we--Monsieur and I--are scheduled to leave for Pennsylvania tomorrow, for Christmas, at my sister's!!!!!!!!!!  To cut down on the stuff we have to carry, we decided to give each other our Christmas presents in Bay Ridge, and would you believe it??????????  We both gave each other the same gift!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Both of us received from the other, "Grace--A Memoir," the book written by VOGUE creative director, and which is the book for all MY girls this season!!!!!!!  You know, as I was purchasing this book for Monsieur, I had a feeling this would happen.  Good thing I gave him another gift, which is "The Tucci Cookbook," by none other than Mr. Stanley Tucci!!!!!!!!!!  We are going to have so much fun, in the kitchen, cooking all the wonderful recipes in that book!  It should take us at least through all of 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        And I got this second  gift, which I wish I could show you, darlings!!!!!!!!!
It is this pencil drawn sketch of Jennifer Jones, as....Jennifer Jones, superimposed over an image of her as...Bernadette, with a signature signing of Jennifer Jones!!!!!!!! I am telling you, it was so beautiful, I burst into tears!!!!!!!!!  And you better believe it went up on the wall as soon as I saw it!  Monsieur helped me find the perfect place for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         So, lambs, wherever or whenever your Christmas is, I wish you the Merriest, until I return on here, with more mirth, merriment, gossip, and fashion tips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Yule Tide Greetings To All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Burn that log,, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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