Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Some Christmas Toys I Never Got, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Now, girls, you know I am not one to cry the blues, not with all I had back then, and all the things I am so grateful for having today!!!!!!!!!!  But there were a couple of toys I never got, that I always wanted.

                                                          Back in the Sixties, during my childhood, a number of what I called "food toys"--Suzy Homemaker and Kenner's Easy Bake Oven come first to mind.  These were generally for girls, which did not stop me from wanting them, but which I am sure stopped my parents dead in their tracks from buying them for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             However, there were two items which defied gender, and, to a certain extent, are still on the market.  One is the toy gum machine, seen above, or any of its variations.  I have always wanted one of these, and still do, not so much because I am addicted to chewing gum, I simply like the decorative scheme and the colors. It would be a nice thing to have on display, and I bet there are some adult readers out there--maybe even some of my girls!!!!!!!!--who own such a thing for this very reason!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                 The other is something I might be inclined, at least for a trial, to make some use of.  This is the famous Hasbro Frosty The Snow-Cone Machine, complete with snowman maker and syrup.  Now, I don't know if Hasbro has the monopoly on this item, anymore, but I have an idea these items are still out there on the market.  And I think it would be fun to have!  And, of course, when not in use, it is also a beautiful, decorative display!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                    You know you are getting old, darlings, when you start waxing nostalgic for antiquated Christmas toys the children of today wouldn't know about, or have any use for!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                     Remember how simpler Life used to be? Or so it seemed!!!!!!


  1. I had the snowman snow cone maker ans it was a lot of fun. I also had Mister Machine. Remember him? Not to mention Creepy Crawlers which you had to make with red hot "plastic goop". Can't believe I didn't give myself 3rd degree burns!

  2. It always frosted my cookies when Drunk and Crazy, excuse me, Dad and Mom got us presents like the snow cone machine or Easy Bake Oven or Snoopy Soaper because the ingredients always ran out two days after Christmas and they never replaced them. This rendered my toys useless as tits on a bull. So don't be mad you didn't get them. They rather sucked anyway, honey.


  3. Harlow Fan--

    I also had Mr. Machine! OMG, haven't heard that mentioned in years. Also had Creepy Crawlers--used them as a cover for a school science report on insects. I also had--around the time of Mr. Machine--this huge green thing, run on a wire by remote, called Great Garloo! Remember him? It was by MARX!


  4. Kitty--

    I always womdered about that, because the supplies given were so limited. Two toys which I did get which disillusioned me from advertising--as they didn't work--were both by Pressman--Wonder Art, which was supposed to paint in colors by didn't, and the Headshrinker's Making Kit--the molds always fell apart.

    As for domesticity I learned from Colorforms' set, Miss Cookie's Kitchen!!!!!!!!

  5. I never heard of the Great Garloo! You could probably get a good amount for that on e-bay if you still had it!
