Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Real Life Grinch Is This Week's Bitch, Girls!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Did you hear about this one, darlings???????  At the East Cherry YWCA, which is in East Cherry, Washington, (state),  a real life Grinch made off with $6,000 worth of toys, placed under a decorative tree, intended to be given out to homeless children!!!!!!!!!  Six grand worth of toys???????

                                              Who would do such a thing?  The perpetrator has not been identified, but I am telling you, without identification this individual (or maybe more than one, though I favor one) easily qualifies as this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 This is not only up there with swiping money from a church poor box, it goes WAY beyond it!  Your average church poor box is lucky if it rustles up $100, what with all that Catholic greed and hypocrisy out there.  You know the type--the ones who think because they have the more ornate tree or Nativity, they are more devout.  I have a passel of relations who think this way, so I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Guess I am feeling something of a bitch, myself!!!!!!!!!!!!  But I am not
about to go stealing from the homeless.  I may have done some things in my time that I have been ashamed of--more harmful to myself than others--but stealing from the homeless is a point I never reached, nor would. I just don't think I am capable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     But this Washington Grinch was more than up to the task.  It would take more than a visit from Little Cindy Lou Who to bring him to his senses.  How about a smack in the face, and a stint in jail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       Slam this winner into the slammer, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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