Friday, December 28, 2012

Where Is Casey Anthony?????????????????

                           Well, girls, with the year starting to wind down, certain things  on the back burner of one's mind are bound to come to the fore, and this is one of them.  Where, indeed, IS Casey Anthony????????  Don't think I haven't an answer, darlings!!!!!!!  I am, after all, the Raving Queen, and I would be shirking my duties, if I did not venture into this realm.

                             First, where Casey Anthony SHOULD HAVE BEEN was extradited to Salem, Massachusetts, where, in her honor, they could have resurrected the Witch Trials, and sentenced her to hanging, or, more theatrical, a burning at the stake!!!!!!!!  Believe me, I would be there to light the match, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              But that Casey is too slick for this.  She is a Florida gal, and so she has not ventured far from the crime.  Casey is still in the Sunshine State, but no one can find her, because she is unrecognizable.  If you want to find Casey Anthony, look for a blonde, Botoxed Bitch In Boca Raton!!!!!!!  That's right, girls--a Blonde Botoxed Bitch In Boca Raton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              No more trash for our Miss Casey, oh no; she is much TOO GOOD for that!!!!!!!!!!!!  Even though she was little  more than trailer trash to begin with.  If you hang out at some of the social spots, and drinking holes, in Boca, you will find Casey, I guarantee it!!!!!!!!!!!  And now that I have the goods on Casey, I am sending the word out, so that this slatternlyy Baby Killer is apprehended.  I am telling you, she could share a cell with Susan Smith!!!!!!!!!  Those two have a lot to talk about, when it comes to selfishness and greed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Don't let greedy Casey gobble up all the fun in Boca!!!!!!!!  Don't be fooled by her peroxide look!!!!!!!!!!  Just look for what I am telling you, and nail this cheap piece of baggage!!!!!!!!!

                              And let those female inmates tear out her hair!!!!!!!!!!!

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