Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Hero, Who Died From His Demons!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        The young man pictured above, Wade Knox, was not only a good friend of Heath Stocks, he was another of many boys abused by Jack Walls. Only Wade really did something about it.  Not only that--he was Jack Walls' own nephew!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Around the time after Heath Stocks murdered his family, in 1997, Wade went to his uncle's house, confronting him at gunpoint.  He forced Jack Walls to admit verbally, in front of his parents, that he abused Heath and many other boys. This, of course, led to Walls' arrest, trial and conviction, where he rots in prison today.

                                            Wade was unquestionably a hero, and instrumental in bringing this sicko to justice. But Wade developed paranoid schizophrenia, living in fear that Jack would return and do something to him.  It proved to be too much, and so, at the age of 23, in 2003, Wade Knox ended his life

                                               I have to wonder about the effect of all this on Walls' wife and daughters. Happily, the wife divorced him, and they are living somewhere far away from him, and where others (even if new identities had to be fashioned) do not know who they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

                                               As far as I am concerned, Jack Walls claims another murder victim, the three others being the Stocks family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 Just like the parents of a more recent young suicide, Tyler Clementi, Wade's parents went on to establish, in his name, The Wade Knox Children's Advocacy Center, as a place where children threatened by abusers can go to for help.  So, in a way, Wade is still carrying out courageous acts.
While his uncle rots in prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    A happy ending, and a sad one!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Candlemass  Eve is fast coming up on us, darlings!!!!!!!!  Maybe we should sacrifice Jack Walls, burning him at the stake as a male witch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hardly a virgin, though!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Roast him on a spit, like the pig he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  3. Lesa, if you are in receipt of this message, I would like to speak with you. You can visit my website to see avenues by which you can contact me. Or, you may simply email me at, my work email.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

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  5. If Jack's wife slapped Wade across his face, then someone should have slapped her back, and give it to her, but good! She'll get hers!

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  8. Queen we thought you might like to know that Amber had me confused with someone else which is why she deleted her post. she actually apologized fo this and we are actually talking it turns out she was friends with my husband. she moved before I came into the I guess this blog of yours finally did some good as I now have someone who thought the same about my husband as I know that he was an angel and not a rag topic. So you Rock ON

  9. Thank you for posting this. I always wondered what happened to that courageous, beautiful boy who had what it took to not only speak aloud, but to stare down the demon while saying, "Yes, this happened. " I took interest in this case because it took so much courage, because I cannot say all the bad words about their abuser (I don't know enough! I speak only English, my family's version of Irish, and Pidgin French. And I just don't know enough bad things to call the molester except Devil, which works in all languages. )
    I am a mother in the middle of nowhere, where there are NO advocates for sexually abused children. Rural Appalachia. Here,one cotton ball and a bent spoon (heroin not necessary )gets more prison time than incest. No fecking shite! I am trying to find grants or scholarships go back to University, to be the voice for the children, because no one else is. The program we did have was de-funded and shut down. Forever. And if I ever hear another so-called professional psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker, or MEDICAL DOCTOR say, "I don't understand how a GIRL could rape a boy," I just MAY SHOW THAT PERSON HOW IT MAY BE DONE! I can guarantee it would be a lesson not ever forgotten, though I'd be on the chain gang for a good long time.
    I got my degree when we were using the DSM 3-R, and I know there is at least a DSM5. Funny that I, who got a degree in the Stone Ages, know how a female would rape a male...Especially when female rapist is 15-17 years old,and male victim is 3 MONTHS and unable to move without help until he's 2 and a half and starts acting out sexually! That's just MY STORY,one of hundreds. I can never forgive myself for running errands and the letting half sister "practice"on my own beautiful boy.
    "The Good Ol' Boy" system runs my town.In the past 15 years, our town has prosecuted ONE sexual abuse of a minor (incestuous ) and bleedin'LOST the case! So we really need help here, but people in power wish to sweep it under the rug. Let me tell you, Cor Blimey! The lump beneath the rug is crying for justice! Aye, perhaps I only hear the echo of my own cries all these years later. Well. Mine and the children.
    I am sorry for ranting to you. Truth be told, I have no one else with whom to rant about this subject.
    And I am so very, very sorry to learn that Wade Knox took his life. I do not know if he was a friend of yours, but heartfelt sorrow if he were. He was a hero, and our sick world needs more heroes.
    One of my favorite quotes is from Mother Teresa..."God says that He will not give us any burdens that we are unable to bear. I just wish He didn't think I was so strong!" Wade Knox made other people strong, I wish I'd been able to tell him so. And you, I don't know if you'll get this or not, if you even monitor this page, but just in case, stay strong and safe yourself! If you ever need to rant to an unknown person about anything at all (as I did to you ) well, "You got me Babe." (Sung in my Sonny and Cher voice. ) I should be easy to find, since I am stupid enough to leave my real name. For all trolls, this is an obfuscation. I'm a Catholic. My name is long, and my Saint is obscure...


  10. Tawny,
    Ditto on the Mother Teresa quote. As a raised Catholic, I get it.
    And I hope you realize your goals, which are excellent. Abused kids
    need as many advocates as they can. And doctors and authority
    personnel thinking only a boy can rape? Do they need to be
    drawn diagrams?????????

    Thanks for sharing!
