Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Stay Away From These Low Lifes, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               There are all kinds of scum out there, girls, but the pieces of filth I am about to discuss take the cake, even when it comes to scumbags.

                                                  Let's start with Diane Fruge (pronounced Froo-jay, though she is sorely lacking in class).  Her segment, on "Redrum" last night, opened with the police pulling up to her luxury trailer (she may have been White Trash, but she was Luxury White Trash!!!!!!), while tending to her son Josh. There is an exchange between them, where she bends down, holds him to her, and says--

                                                     "Mommy has to go away for a little. But it doesn't mean that I am a bad person!!!!!!!!!"

                                                        Oh, yeah????????  Like Hell, it doesn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Back in 2,007 Dennis   Gaede and his wife, Diane Fruge, were brought to trial and convicted for the 2001 murder of Timothy Wicks.  You see, Diane was one of those gals who just had no judgement when it came to men. After a string of physically abusive relationships (wonder what her childhood and adolescence was like, dolls?????????) she meets up with Dennis Gaede in 2000.  Not having enough sense to look into his background before becoming involved with him, she has no idea she  is hooking up with a scheming con artist.  She thinks he earns his keep as a musician, playing drums in bands.
As does Timothy Wicks.  The two must have met at some point, but sometime in 2001, the real Wicks said he was going to Canada for a gig too good to be turned down. He paid his rent two months in advance, saying not to give the apartment up, he would let the landlord know when he was coming back.  And that was the last anyone ever heard of him!

                                                            A year later, a bag, containing a torso--the head and hands were missing--was found on a road bordering Michigan and Wisconsin.  It turned out to be the remains of Timothy Wicks. The REAL Timothy Wicks.  Because this did not at all deter Gaede from assuming Wicks' identity, writing checks in his name. When Diane discovers Gaede has killed Wicks, he orders her to help him with disposing of the body.  Some abuse occurs, so, of course, Diane goes along with it!  Dumb!  She should have taken her chances, waited till Gaede was away, then gone to the authorities!!!!!!!!

                                                             You would think!  But, when interrogated, she first protects Gaede, saying she did everything. When the cops ask her doesn't she realize what slime Gaede is, that he is sending her over, (about time Diane heard this from someone!!!!!!!!!) then offer her a choice--would she rather see son Josh once a week in prison for the rest of her days, or raise him by herself????? She turns on Gaede quicker than a snake; the first sensible thing Diane did!  Though she still is required to serve some time, I believe, according to the broadcast, she is now out, living privately in a state other than where this all took place, raising Josh.  Whether she was issued a new identity, I cannot say.

                                                                There is no other way to say it--Diane Fruge was just dumber than shit! Basically, the type that could end up on "Judge Judy," which, actually, would have been better fro her, than what she went through. And what effect did all this have, and will continue to have, on Josh??????
What if Diane gets involved with another dumb man?????????  Let's face it, her track record is not very good!!!!!!!!!  If I were Diane, I would avoid the male of the species altogether!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                   And just look, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Was Dennis any prize??????  Not a bit, though, I can tell, just from the picture, if there is a movie, that Philip Seymour Hoffman will play him!!!!!!!!!!  He may look dumb at first sight, but he is a self-righteous, arrogant prick, who needed a good bitch slapping!!!!!!!!!!!!  And, hopefully in prison, he is getting it!  Hell, he may even be someone's bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                      Now, let me introduce you to another piece of scum.  This is Charles Jack Walls, and, with regard to his story, you could say what Bette Davis once said, in "All About Eve"--"And it gets better!"

                                                                        I can tell you, that smirk, and that supercilious look tell all!!!!!  He is not a bit remorseful!  He was born into privilege and entitlement, the son of a prominent Arkansas attorney, and took advantage of that entitlement all of his life.  He was one of those so-called leaders and pillars of the church and community who would have been better off staying away.  Because, under the guise of such suburban propriety, (including being married, with a wife and three daughters) he served as Scoutmaster to many of the town's boys, some of them sons of his friends.  But, in addition to mentoring them, he was also sexually abusing them. Constantly.

                                                                           And all this culminated into an explosion that was set off one  morning, when Heath Stocks was 18.  Bold as brass, Heath's mother  went to awaken her son--and saw him in his bed, with Jack Walls sleeping next to him!!!!!   I mean, darlings, how many children still living with their parents bring their sex partners home with them, and blatantly sleep with them???? Would they even want to?????? . Unfortunately, Heath was from a very dysfunctional family, a tremendously abusive father (which allowed for Walls to weave his way into Heath's life) and a mother too passive and self-denying to take any actions.  Heath's discovery led to confronting his abuser, only to be told to "fix the problem."  This escalated his rage, culminating in the murder of his father, mother and sister, Heather.  The first two I am not going to worry about; the last was unconscionable.

                                                                              So Heath is now serving three consecutive life sentences, in prison. Eventually, scumbag Walls got his comeuppance, too, and is also serving three life sentences in prison, having been convicted of six counts of rape.

                                                                                 These were scum that should have been avoided at all costs. Diane was just too dumb and stupid!  Heath was a tragic victim driven to do the unthinkable by the person who abused him--while the ones who should have been protecting him were unable to. And the sleazoid who abused him is the one who drove him to it, and is as much responsible for the Stock family murders as Heath!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                     Good riddance to bad rubbish. But stick around, loves, because how and by whom Jack Walls got his comeuppance is fascinating. though it, too, had tragic consequences.

                                                                                      Slam the door on these lowlifes for good!!!!!!!!!!

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