Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Girls, This Was The Moment When I Knew!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      No, girls, not the moment I discovered I was gay, which I can barely remember now.  Though, undoubtedly, this was pointing the way, but how could I have known that?

                                        When the first editions of the soundtrack album for "The Sound Of Music" were issued, there came with it, a booklet, similar to a souvenir programme.  On the back, was the above photo, which, if you have seen the film, takes place during the "Do Re Mi" segment.   Before I saw the film, when I owned the album, I used to stare at this photo in endless fascination.

                                            Because, darlings, it was the moment I first knew I wanted to be Angela Cartwright and Heather Menzies!  And, once I did see the film, and saw how this was all incorporated, the very next day, I spent the entire morning, doing this in front of my house.  My poor mother; she didn't know what to make of it.  I was just practicing my routine from the film!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Not to slight Angela a bit, but I think I learned more towards wanting to be Heather, because she was tall (remember, I was only 11 at the time, and she was older!!!!) and she had that long blonde hair, which I thought was fabulous, so, of course, I wanted it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And, to this day, when I watch the film, outside of Julie, the ones I keep my eyes on, are Heather and Angela!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  So, here, lambs, is the photo that started it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   "Men on the road, with a load to tote, heard," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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