Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Here Is A Magic Moment, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I was hoping the following image would come out larger and clearer, so, if you cannot figure out what it is, I cannot blame you. But I think there are some out there, who will automatically recognize what this is.  Those mountains give a clue.

                                 It is the precise moment in the iconic moment of the opening of the film classic, "The Sound Of Music," when the camera, and audience, first spot Julie Andrews.  Back in 1965, this moment set audiences' hearts palpitating with excitement; now, at every screening I have attended as an adult over the past quarter century, this is the first moment in the film when the audience erupts into spontaneous applause. And with good reason.  They know that in just seconds, Julie is going to take that now famous twirl, and begin singing notes that few today can match for beauty and clarity.  If a list were made of the Top Ten Opening Sequences In Film, I have no doubt "The Sound Of Music" would be somewhere on the list.

                                   Even the film's detractors have praise for this opening sequence, with its visual sweep and emotional quality.  And, of course, ever since first seeing this film in its original 1965 release, I wanted to be on that mountain, twirling away, myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    It is truly a Magic Moment, girls!!!!!!!!!!  One I just had to share with you, when I found this shot, and sure to warm the hearts and minds of those of us as we struggle through this long, cold Winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Those hills are still alive, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!