Monday, January 28, 2013

Girls, Let Me Tell You About The REAL "Song Of Bernadette!!!!!!"

                                      No, darlings, I am not rushing the Lenten/Easter season. Though, with regard to that, let me say that Easter this year is March 31st, which of course will also include my annual screening of the film "The Song Of Bernadette," which celebrates a special anniversary this year--it turns 70!!!!!!!!!!

                                       So, already, at this point, I am contemplating having as Easter/"Song Of Bernadette" party.  Keep on top of things, girls, I will let you know!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        You may ask why I included a picture here of the real Bernadette Soubirous, rather than Jennifer Jones, in her Oscar-winning role!  Well, first of all there are enough of those floating around on this blog.  But I wanted to include the REAL Bernadette, because what I have to say touches more on her.

                                           Yesterday, while preparing dinner, and I was reading, Monsieur played for me a track from one of Bette Midler's (yes, girls, the Divine Miss M!!!!!!!) CD's--and it was a song all about Bernadette.  It was called "Song Of Bernadette," and it was written I would guess, sometime in the Sixties, by Jennifer Warnes, who composed the music. The lyrics were done by the Great Leonard Cohen, and they are just beautiful.  Take note--

                                                "There was a child named Bernadette.
                                                  I heard the story long ago.
                                                  She saw the Queen Of Heaven once.
                                                  And kept the vision in her soul.
                                                  No one believed what she had seen.
                                                  No one believed what she heard.
                                                  But there were sorrows to be healed.
                                                  And mercy, mercy, in this world.

                                                  So many hearts I find, broke like yours and mine.
                                                  Torn by what we have done, and can't undo.
                                                   I just want to hold you.
                                                   Won't you let me hold you?
                                                   Like Bernadette would do."

                                            You better believe I cried real tears, when I heard this.  Of course, who else but Leonard Cohen could have written such beautiful words??????.  The man spoke the truth, darlings!!!!!!!  Bet
Sister Camille knows this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               I cannot believe I had never heard this before, but am glad I have. It is another example of Bernadette's message, being spread out into the world.

                                                 So do what the song says and hold someone, like Bernadette would do.
Even if that just includes, darlings, loving yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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