Monday, January 28, 2013

"You're Just Like A Sunday Morning, Darlings!!!!!!!!"

                                I know, girls, I know, I am mixing some Sunday song lyric metaphors together. And there are so many others out there!

                                 But yesterday's Sunday was unusual, because, for the first time that I can remember, we did nothing.  We stayed in all day.  I started my morning with coffee, and the words of Sister Camille D'Arienzo, which are broadcast on 1010 WINS between 8:30 and 8:45. She even referenced the Bishop in the current film version of "Les Miserables," which shows how up on things this 75 year old nun is.  I always feel better after listening to Sister Camille!!!!!!!  I wish I could be more like her. But, alas, I am more Pearl Chavez than Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Sunday is also the day I catch up on phone calls--to my father, sister, or anyone I have not been in touch with for awhile.  And to see if I can get a hair appointment with Ariette!!!!!!!!

                                    Part of staying in means reading and resting, and, having recently done food shopping, Monsieur had bought a lovely whole chicken, which he roasted with some delicious roast potatoes and veggies. Then we had his friends Avive and the glamorous Ellen over, who regaled us with her hilarious account of the wacko Chinese woman she was forced to deal with, during the day in her second job as a tax preparer for H and R Block.  Reminds of some of the wackos I have to deal with, at my place.  I mean, beside the staff!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      So, really, it was one of the most relaxing  Sundays ever!  Which was perfect. after the way my work week ended!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        If only Sister Camille could visit, for both divine healing and to show me how to make a proper timpano!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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