Sunday, January 27, 2013

Not To Bash Florida, Girls, But..........!!!!!!!!!!

                                        As I said in my recent post on the Sunshine State, darlings, it was a part of my life for over 30 years, and there were and are many things about it that I enjoy!  But when I heard on the news about Jacksonville, this queen started raving!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        An anti-discrimination bill with regard to LGBT people was defeated 17-2 recently, in that city!  Which means, if you are LGBT in Jacksonville, forget it!  They can fire you from a job, deny you housing, not to mention beat you to death, and your death will be looked the other way!!!!!!!!

                                        The broadcast said Jacksonville is the one major city holdout, in the state!

                                        The first thing I want to say is--what the hell is wrong with these people?????

                                         The second is--are they going to abolish community or any other form of theater or arts in Jacksonville????  Because you can be sure there are at least several LGBT folk involved in anything from tech work, to performance, all the way up to Artistic Director!!!!!!!!!

                                          I guess they want to keep this town a bunch of Po-Dunks!!!!!!!!!

                                          Girls, I am ready to march through the streets of this town, holding my Original Broadway Cast Recording of "Funny Girl" out in front of me, singing "I'm The Greatest Star!"  Give the administrators something to REALLY chew on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Apparently, Jacksonville must be behind the times.  I mean, are they aware that there has been ANY kind of sexual revolution in the past fifty years????  Or do they think men are still confined to their armchairs, with their beer cans, while woman are barefoot, and in the kitchen????
Maybe Jacksonville should change its name to something else--Stepford!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Get with it, you Jacksonville-ites!  I mean, come on; even Honey Boo Boo is more forward thinking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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