Thursday, January 31, 2013

As Bette Davis Once Said, "That Word! I Don't Even Know What It Means!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                     That is because, darlings, "autodidact" is not a word you hear bantered about often!!!!!!!!!  When I first read this book, in 1989, it made me yearn for the adolescence she had--one where I could drop out of high school and continue on my own.  Not because of my studies--I actually enjoyed most of those--but to get away from the social and political pressures, and the confined roles into which you are, whether you want to be or not, forced into by both peers and teachers.

                                                        In other words, I wanted to say "Fuck you!" to high school!  Well, now I have!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         The literal definition of autodidact is "a self-taught person." Kendall Hailey had more than a head start, being the daughter of playwright Oliver Hailey, it not only helped her get this book published, it gave her the intelligence to actually pursue autodidacticism, rather than become what her type today would become, were they to leave high school--slacker dudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            My former friend, Vincent, was an autodidact, having never been to college, but with a breadth and knowledge of film and literature, and a reading habit to match mine, which worked for both of us, until his psychological problems, which he was unwilling to acknowledge tore away the fabric of our friendship.

                                                               Many of us who are readers, I think, become lifelong autodidacts once we are out of the confines of school.  I may have a Master's Degree, but I consider myself as much of an autodidact as someone who has less.  Much of my real learning, what has been of most value to me throughout my life, came from outside the classroom, thanks to my own autodidacticism!!!!!!!

                                                                   Of course some autodidacts can be more learned than others.
Some can even be more pretentious.  But the word, and the experience, should became more a part of a person's growth.  If the schools are no longer going to provide this type of education (though they can still give students the tools!!!!!) it is up to individuals to provide it for themselves.

                                                                   Don't be a part of the dumbing down of America!  Educate yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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