Thursday, January 31, 2013

Bye Bye, January!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Can you believe, darlings, that, as of today, we have completed one twelfth of this year?????????  What a month it has been, what with freezing cold, Monsieur's birthday celebration, family drama,  and more books read in one month than have been by me in a good while.

                                       While January is the birth month of my beloved Monsieur, and thus has special meaning for me, it is still not a favorite time, what with the Holiday letdown and then the setting in of Seasonal Affective Disorder, which can make me SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         But having passed through this month, the big hurdle has been made, and so we are on our way to, like the song from "Doctor Zhivago" says, "the Hope of Spring!!!!!!"

                                          So, farewell to January, 2013!  You were memorable in ways both irrevocable and not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  See you in February, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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