Friday, February 1, 2013

Happy February, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Darlings, can you believe we are already in Month 2 of 2013????  And I want to tell you--what used to be a dull, unexciting month, has improved over the years, because, for a short month, it is just chock full of events!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Like what? my pets?  Well, for starters, today is Candlemass Eve,  when all you queens out there had better get off the streets, because, at midnight tonight, the witches sacrifice a virgin!  And they are so desperate, honey, there is no telling what they will offer up!!!!!!!!!

                                        Tomorrow is Groundhog Day, so popular, it became a Bill Murray movie, and signals the mid-point of Winter, so, even if the shadow is seen, we know we are halfway through what seems to so many the longest season, and on our way to being cured of Seasonal Affect Disorder!

                                         Now, I know for some out there, Sunday is SuperBowl Sunday, but I say--fugeddaboutit!!!!!!!!!  Because it happens to be Blythe Danner's birthday, and this year the celebrated Miss Danner hists the big 7-0!!!!!!!!  Can you believe it???????????  Blythe Danner, at 70???????????  We should all look this good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           February 5th is the birthday of actress Jennifer Jason Leigh, while the sixth marks another year for Monsieur's glamorous friend, Ellen, whose birthday we will all celebrate the following eve at a very exclusive restaurant.

                                            If you have been on here reading for any length of time, you cannot forget February 11th!  That is when, in 1858 (which makes this the 155th Anniversary!!!!) the Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette!!!!!!!!!!!!  No, not Bernadette Peters, darlings--Bernadette Soubirous--the saint, herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Two days after this, we celebrate two events--Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday, when pancakes are gobbled down in haste; it also happens to be the birthday of Monsieur's raconteur of a relation, Uncle Ernest, who turns 82!!!!!!! Then there is  the 14th, which this year is both Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday!  So, darlings, whether you have a candlelit dinner, watch "Fatal Attraction," or flagellate yourselves for penance, have a blast!!!!!!!!!

                                             The 17th of this month marks the birthday of my Bloomfield friend, Joe, while the following day, the 18th, is President's Day, when some of us get a day off from work, and I sing the song, "Abie, Baby!" from "HAIR!"

                                              Things really happen when we get to the twenties this month. The 24th happens to be the birthday of my youngest nephew, and Godchild, Matthew!!!!!!!!!!  To think he is going to be 39!  I remember the  eve of his birth like it was yesterday, especially since "The Wizard Of Oz" was on television that night!!!!!!!!!!!!  The 27th marks the birthday of that Musical Stage Legend, Shelley Plimpton, mother of Martha, and the one who originally sang my favorite song, "Frank Mills." in "HAIR."

                                                Now, the 28th marks two birthdays.  The first, and REAL one, is that of one of my favorite co-stars, Christopher!   The second is unreal, because its subject was a Leap Year Baby, which means a REA: birthday only every four years!!!!!!!!!  I am talking about Matthew's mother, my sister, Penny, who will be 73!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  Remember what they used to say about orange juice, dears????  "It's not just for breakfast anymore!"  The same could now be said of Feburary--

                                                    This month is not boring, anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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