Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Chadwick's Does It Again, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Yesterday, as I mentioned, was Monsieur's birthday, and so, a scant 38 days after celebrating mine, we found ourselves at Chadwick's again, whose beautiful, Forties decor was enhanced by the remarkable Holiday decorations.  We sat in the main room, with the gigantic Christmas wreath just above me, and, once again, had the most scrumptious meal you could ask for, in all of Bay Ridge!!!!!!!

                                 Which certainly compensated for the evening before!

                                   Monsieur started out with the Lobster Bisque soup, which I sampled--very rich and creamy.  I stuck to a favorite--the skewered Mozzarella, tomato, and eggplant--light and nourishing!  For our main course, Monsieur had a fish dish, while I had the Grilled Pork Chop Bearnaise, with mashed potatoes, and grilled asparagus.  Mouth watering, dears!!!!!!!!!!  And we still had coffee and desert to get through.  Monsieur had the spectacular chocolate tartuffo, while I opted for the simple, traditional cheese cake!!!!  By the time we were finished, we weren't famished, yet not stuffed to the gills!!!!!!!!!!!  And while the bill was relatively high, it was worth every penny!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   As I said, Chadwick's does it again!!!!!!!  This is the perfect place to go for special occasions, especially  if you want traditional American dining, in an elegant setting out of another era!!!!!!!  I still expected our coffee to be poured by actress Dorothy McGuire!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   We still have to try Gino's, over on Fifth Avenue, which has gotten high praise from many we know, and which has been likened to going to a celebrity place!!!!!!!!!  And you know how I just gravitate to celebrity spots, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!  But, walking home afterwards, our palettes satiated, Monsieur said he wants to come back to Chadwick's in May, to celebrate our Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Looks like Chadwick's is becoming our Number One Romantic Spot!!!!!!!!!

                                      May you all find your own, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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