Thursday, January 3, 2013

The First Celebrity Death Of 2013, Darlings!!!!!!!!

                        Girls, I am telling you, as soon as that ball dropped the other night, I had to wonder whom it might be.  The first one is always memorable, and so sad.  Well, yesterday, I found out.

                          Today, we mourn the passing of "that singing rage, Miss Patti Page!"

                          So  she was known as.  And with her rich, soothing, creamy voice, she made classics out of
"(How Much Is That) Doggie In The Window?"  "(You're Sure To Fall In Love With Old) Cape Cod," "The Tennessee Waltz," and, of course, darlings, do you think I could forget, "Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte????"

                          I also personally loved her especially sexy version of "Jingle Bells!"

                          Now, back in the day, when I was older, and the time would come to Christmas decorate our house, in Highland Park--which was a big job, considering the size of downstairs!!!!--we had a stack of Christmas LPs that would go on the turntable, and play throughout the day while decorating.  One  of my favorites, pictured above, was "Christmas With Patti Page!"  I loved it, because "Jingle Bells" WAS featured on there, as well as another song I liked, and have never herd anywhere else, or by anyone--"I Want To Go Skating With Willie!"

                           I just loved this album cover--the cheesy late 50's living room setting, Patti's outfit (which, you know, darlings, I always wanted to wear!!!!).  I used to pose like Patti in front of our tree, when decorated, but no pictures were ever snapped.

                            Patti Page was 85 when she left us, having suffered, briefly, from heart and lung disease.  She had two children, plus a bevy of grand and great-grand children!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             But she left behind a musical richness that will be unequaled.  I just discovered this Christmas classic is now on CD, so guess what I am going to buy for next year, dolls??????????????

                              Rest In Peace, Patti!  Even in the Afterlife, you will be all the rage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Chronicling" is misspelled in your blog title, darling, and it's driving me crazy!!!!!


  3. Sharon--
    If you read, my earlier, rather bitchy comment--which I removed, first allow me to say, "I apologize!"
    My initial reaction, was to react to your name. You see, I work with a "Sharon", who is anything but pleasant, and I thiught you might be she! But, when I thought about it, and talked to others, I concluded it did not. Your comment had a modicum of humor, which is something she does not have, and she is not the creative sort to do something, like blogging!

    Once again, I am SORRY! As you can see, I did adjust it! It is funny what the eye sees, and what it does not. I truly never noticed it, until you pointed it out!!! So, thank you!

    Hope your new year is FABULOUS, darling!!!!!!!!!!
