Thursday, January 3, 2013

First Bitch Of the Week, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 It is the first Thursday of 2013, so that means Bitch Of The Week!!!!  And a new year means, also, a new batch of 52 bitches!  Today, we start with one due to an outcome from last year, but nonetheless heinous!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Nouel Alba!

                                   She is the 37-year-old Bronx  woman, whom the FBI arrested,  for, basically exploiting, for herself, and for profit, the horror  that was the Newtown Tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, on December 14, 2012!!!!!!!!!

                                    To start with, she claimed being in Newtown while President Obama was there, and having access to the crime scene.  The reason--the ultimate offense--was she set up a Facebook page, where she claimed she was the aunt of Noah Pozner, one of the children killed in the shootings!  Her so-called access to the crime scene was due, she claimed, to having to  identify her so-called nephew's body!!!!!
Additionally, she posed as Auntie on Facebook, asking for money to help pay for funeral expenses--when it would all be  going to her!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   What a sick, rotten bitch!!!!!!!  For a change, the FBI did something right, in arresting this perpetrator of monstrous cruelty.  The poor Pozner family has been through enough; that whole town has been through enough, and now THIS???????????????

                                    Some way to kick off the year, huh?????  It just goes to show, no matter how deep you dig in the cess pool of humanity, there is always room to go down further!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So, to Nouel Alba, 2013's first Bitch Of the Week, I say, what a standard of monstrosities you have set for the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Throw the book at this one, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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