Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Farewell To Minxy Marla English!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Marla English was a good girl, who just got the wrong breaks.  According to what I read, her Paramount contract was attempting to make her their version of Elizabeth Taylor. And Marla certainly had some goods!  I mean, just look at her!  Darlings, this is how I want to spend my retirement, looking like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           But as we know, all too well, girls--and as you know from reading me--in Hollywood, there can be only ONE A-List Princess. And that was certainly Elizabeth Taylor. No one was going to dethrone her!!!!!!!!!!  For others--Marla, Faith Domergue, Dana Wynter, Irish McCalla--there was nowhere to go, but B, or even C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             However, Marla's glamorous presence was immortalized in two cheesy  1950's American-International Pictures productions--"The She Creature," in 1956.  and "Voodoo Woman," in 1957. The thing about both films is that what Marla morphs into in each is simply grotesque, though, being made by sexist straight men (or sometimes campy queens) these female monsters still managed to have..........chesty assets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                Let's start with "The She-Creature," wherein, as the poster says, Marla is "reincarnated as a Monster from Hell!!!!!!!!!!!"  But, darlings, I ask you, look at the poster!!!!!!!! If you were going to be reincarnated, wouldn't you rather look like the figure on the right???????  In the white, diaphanous gown???????????  Though, I am telling you, when have you ever seen a female monster, with tits that large?????????  The She-Creature could have given Jane Russell a run for her money!!!!!!  Too bad Playtex didn't get the She Creature to do some of those 18 Hour Bra commercials!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 I guess Marla and monster tits on female monsters must have scored big for AIP, because the next year they released "Voodoo Woman," wherein, once again, glamorous Marla was converted into some ersatz creation with a bizarre hairstyle, and monster tits, to do the mad scientist's bidding.  Though, look at this monster!!!!!!!!!!  With that hair, height and tits, it seems more likely others are going to be doing her bidding!!!!!!!!!!!!   Bet that scientist gets killed, at the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    AIP got it right later that year, with "Blood Of Dracula," wherein Sandra Harrison, who, I believe, is still with us, is more glamorous looking in her monster make-up than as her actual self!!!!!!!  Now that 56 years have passed, I wonder if Sandra, today, puts that monster make-up on every morning???????????????

                                                    But when she wasn't a monster, Marla was quite striking. She died a month ago, on December 10, of cancer, at the age of 77.  But as long as DVDs and TV stations run "The She-Creature" and "Voodoo Woman," and horror mavens of all ages and types gather to watch, Marla English will live on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     If only I could adopt her California Look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Ah, the lovely - and totally unappreciated - Marla English. Here's a little more on her life and B movie career:



  2. Cliff,
    Thanks for the info. and stopping by here.
    Marla certainly was unappreciated. She deserves
    to be as iconic as Allison Hayes!
