Thursday, January 31, 2013

Girls, I Knew He Was A Winner, The Minute I Saw Him!!!!!!!!!!

                                            And that is NOT a compliment, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            I am talking about this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, Jonathan Vick.  The photo taken here was when he was about 16, around the time he did the deed which has placed him here--rape, strangle and murder Dana Satterfield of Roebuck, (but not Sears, darlings!!!!!!) South Carolina, on July 31, 1995!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               It seems this overly fueled testosterone leveled kid nurtured some kind of "Fatal Attraction" obsession for Dana, who was not only 11 years older than he was (27, at the time of her death), but had a husband and a daughter of her own.  That daughter is now grown, and bearing a strong resemblance to her beautiful mother, who, from all accounts, could have been the real life version of Truvy from "Steel Magnolias."  He had been stalking Dana, noticing her comings and going, when she would be alone in the shop, and, on the evening of July 31, 1995, he acted.  When Dana wisely rebuffed his advances, he flew into a rage, and killed her!

                                                But then her case went cold for ten years, and this pig walked about!  But years later, a former high school (you don't think these punks went to college, did you???) classmate of Vick, Michael Pace, spotted Dana's daughter, noted her resemblance, and his conscience was cleared.  It seems at the time jerk Vick bragged about the murder to Pace, threatening that if he were to tell, Vick would kill him.  If I had been Pace, I would have belted Vick in the mouth right there, then, while he was defenseless and bleeding, gone to the authorities!!!!!!!!!  But coward Pace kept the secret, until he spotted Dana's grown daughter, and the floodgates opened.

                                                  Not only did Vick kill Dana, he is a suspect in the disappearance of his own girl friend, Heather Sellars.  Wonder where he buried her?????????

                                                    This arrogant prick, now 32,  has the nerve to keep appealing his case, when it is clear he belongs in prison for life, and that is that!!!!!!!!!  Someone should have told this sixteen-old-year punk that just because you have fantasies on beautiful women does not mean you can or should act on them. Especially when they rebuff you!  Take it out on a tube sock, instead, you dirty trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Well, now in prison, Vick can't do much of anything beyond that, unless he is somebody's bitch, which he deserves.  Perhaps he should be injected with estrogen, (he should have been at 16; then Dana would still be here!) and, hopefully, the kitchen is putting salt peter each night into his mashed potatoes!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Vick may well be Head Bitch in his cell block, but for now he is this week's Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!   Few lowlifes get any lower than this, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           Vaporize him, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. WOW!!! Couldn't agree with you more. As a man who has been to prison 2x's myself, (now clean 24 years) I can say I thrilled by the fact that this piece of worthless shit is locked away, not long enough if ya ask me. I see this vibrant young lady with her life ahead of her senselessly and savagely terminated by this f---ing animal and my heart aches! My heart goes out to those that loved her and whose lives have been altered forever! Vick should not be allowed 1 minute of freedow is his stickin' worthless life if I was in charge. He took a life 1 million times more precious than his own and can never repay the debt to humanity. It sad we have to waste oxygen on the worthless animal! Perhaps the body of Miss Sellars will be found someday I pray. Sad to think that this beast of a person could ever have a chance at parole. RIP beautiful ladies! Paul

  2. WOW!!! Couldn't agree with you more. As a man who has been to prison 2x's myself, (now clean 24 years) I can say I'm thrilled by the fact that this piece of worthless shit is locked away, not long enough if ya ask me. I see this vibrant young lady with her life ahead of her senselessly and savagely terminated by this f---ing animal and my heart aches! My heart goes out to those that loved her and whose lives have been altered forever! Vick should not be allowed 1 minute of freedom in his stickin' worthless life if I was in charge. He took a life 1 million times more precious than his own and can never repay the debt to humanity. It sad we have to waste oxygen on the worthless animal! Perhaps the body of Miss Sellars will be found someday I pray. Sad to think that this beast of a person could ever have a chance at parole. RIP beautiful ladies! Paul

  3. I guess the woman did rebuff his advances. They don't come much uglier than that. My Lord, what a ugly mug! Honestly, I think I'd rather go t poo meet my maker than to endure an evening with that ugly thing!

  4. The composite sketch the witness gave police resembles him to a T.Looking into his eyes I can see the how flat and dead they are.This case always haunted me as she died on my Birthday 7/31.Am so glad they finally got closure and justice for Dana's family.May God Bless them.

  5. Unknown,
    I am so sorry. What an awful
    association for your birthday.
    Just shows how some things cannot
    be controlled.

    Yes, Dana's family did get the closure
    and justice they deserved!
