Thursday, January 31, 2013

Oh, Come On, Guys, Take It Down A Notch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  When it came to button pressing, "Criminal Hatred," last night's episode of "Law And Order SVU" pulled no punches. But that did not mean it was  a good episode.  Outside of a great performance by Jenny Bacon, as the wife of one of the victims, the acting and writing was atrocious, though the issues raised were still provoking.

                                       The team was on the prowl in the Gay Community, looking for a perp who hunts down, rapes and steals from gay men. Well, not exactly.  Turns out the perps are specialized--married men who are still in the closet!!!!!!!!!!  Now, I do not advocate the murder or rape of anyone, but closeted gays I have a problem with,  honey, because they are worse than homophobic straight men.  At least those guys are up front enough to let you know what you are dealing with!  These others are more dangerous, because they can lead a prospective partner down paths of hypocrisy, just so they can preserve the hypocrisy of their own lives.

                                         Nowhere is this more brought out than in the central story of Charles Murphy (Paul Fitzgerald, who, with his tight, chiseled look,  was so convincing as the suburban hypocrite!!!!!!!  I hated him for that!) .  Even though he is attacked, even though you know the victim rate will escalate, all this guy cares about is keeping his secret--he has been married for 16 years, and his wife has no idea.  I wonder.  He also says his firm where he works is not gay friendly. You know what I say about that?  Honey, you are full of shit; you work in Manhattan!   And IF--just IF--it is true, then get the hell outta there, and go to another firm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Don't even get me started on what this guy (and his type) is doing to his wife and children!!!!!!!!!  So, when he complains, later on, that "my life is ended," what are we supposed to say???  Boo Hoo?????????   You made your choice, laddie, so now it is time to own up!!!!!!!!  Though he mentions one of his children being bullied at school, which is much more tragic than what Daddy is facing. Daddy is guilty.  The child is innocent.

                                                Turns out the perp has an agenda I can understand--though I do not advocate raping or attacking anyone.  It boils down to his self-hating rage about being gay, only BECAUSE he cannot pass for straight, and so feels marginalized,. in terms of jobs, etc.  Now, this is something I myself personally faced back in the late 1970s, though I am sure, especially in Manhattan, it is a different story now, though there may be some places where this could apply.  However, the casting department really screwed up.  The actor they cast as the perp was really not, as Esparza's character says, "effeminate," he just looked like street hustler garbage. The issue would have been made clearer if they had cast a decidedly effeminate looking actor.

                                                 Jenny Bacon, as one of the victim's wives, delivers one of the few good performances!!!!!!!!! Nia Valadros was awful, channeling almost every actress who has been an attorney on there--Tovah, Patti, Kelly Bishop!!!!!!!!  Too bad she never took some glamour tips from Stephanie March!!!!!!!!!

                                                    And when the perp went nuts (which you knew would happen) he destroyed any sympathy for his issue I might have felt; especially when he called his alleged husband a "little faggot."  When he gets to jail, girls, he will find out who the faggot is!!!!!!!!!

                                                       As for Mr. Murphy, the closet case, it is implied his wife Melissa will wisely walk out on him, though that is never taken up. But what do you expect????  Assuming she is clueless enough not to know, the fact that this a-hole brings into the house not only the possibility of STD's but HIV, as well. That is one of the many trouble with these types of guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         Young queens in training--if a guy older than you in  a business suit approaches you in a public space, let him proposition you!!!!!!!!!!  Then, after a beat, spit in his face, and walk away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           I know, I know!!!!!!!!!!!  Go on, I know all you big hypocritical closet cases out there are now gonna wanna come after me.  Listen, if you can have sex with a woman, then get married, and stay there!!!!!  Don't try to fault those of us who live our lives honestly!!!!!  This episode, if anything, offers an excellent example of what happens when guys like this try to be dishonest with both their families and themselves!!!!  No, it is not easy!!!!!!!  Suck it up, you bitches!!!!!!  Figuratively speaking, I mean!!!!!!    Well, to you all I say the same thing that Gena Rowlands said, in the movie, "Gloria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                             "Come on!  Come on!  I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE it!!!!!!!"

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