Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Just Like Ellen Barkin, Girls--Straight Outta Queens!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Imagine--if you will, darlings--a gathering of queens, in Queens!!!!!!!!!!
Well, that is what happened Sunday night at the Bruce Friedman 65th Birthday Celebration Extravaganza, which took place in Elmhurst, at the Georgia Diner!  Not since the days of gatherings in the lobby of the Garden Of Allah Hotel, in Hollywood, during the Golden Age of the 30's and 40's, has there been such an assemblage!!!!!!!!!!   Where was Joan Crawford, as Mildred Pierce, when you needed her?????????

                                   Having purged my system of 15 years of Queens in 8 months, I was not too keen on going back there, though I already do go, with Monsieur, when we make our visits to Bea.  Which is a wonderful thing we do, and I would not miss a visit.  But when Bruce told us the celebration was not only going to be at the Georgia Diner, but not take place till 6PM, this queen rolled his eyeballs!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       What a motley crew.  Poor Auntie Alvin--whom we all love--looked so frail, I thought I was going to have to wheel him back to his room at the nursing home!  Dante of Don and Dante looked as robust as ever, but Don, with some weight loss, stooped posture and a neck brace looked ready any second to have a heart attack!  I was truly fearful he might!  Then there was Barbara, who should have been cast as one of these wiseacre secretaries in a 50's sitcom, but who had all the warmth of Madame Thernardier in "Les Miserables."

                                        And poor Monsieur and I in the midst of all!!!!!!!!  And us having to get up at the crack of dawn, the next morning, on our day off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Kisses, girls!!!!!!!!!!  At least our hostess, Bruce, was in better form than usual, seeing to everyone, celebrating not only his birthday but his soon to be retirement, (and I wonder if anyone at his workplace is celebrating that as well???????????) and I thought there was going to be some kind of grand speech, because Bruce DOES love to talk, girls!!!!!!!!!!!  But he seemed the most low-keyed of anyone.

                                             I am telling you, when it came to lucidity, Bruce, Herb (looking much too gaunt for his height and frame), Andrew, and Monsieur and I topped that list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Forget fashion, dolls, some of these boys looked like they never looked at a magazine since McCall's,, when they were little boys. In my brand new green striped Ralph Lauren shirt, you can bet I created a breathtaking scene!!!!!!!!!!  But I have to, darling; I am the Raving Queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  The food?  You want to talk about the food?  Why bother?  There was too much, and it was pedestrian.  Not that diners are high end, but some are better than others.  I have to say the cole slaw was good.  My chicken was dry, but at least was saturated in some kind of sauce, of what kind I am not sure.   As Monsieur said, the Lighthouse Cafe in our neighborhood, and where we are probably dining tonight, serve gourmet meals, compared to this.  I kept waiting to see that couple from the Grand Prospect Hall ad--where the overweight Greek woman (probably a distant cousin of that despicable Despina Poulakakos!!!!!!) says, "Ve make yer dweams come true!!!!!!!!!"   I expected them to pop out behind the bar within the private room we were confined to.  Though I felt sorry for those patrons, seated at other tables, who were not part of the party.  They must have had no idea what was going on. Maybe they thought members from a group home were out on a field trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    But, Happy Birthday, Bruce!  You only turn 65 once, and that makes my Queens quota for the year, as far as I am concerned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Tell Me On A Sunday, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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