Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Let Me Make One Thing Perfectly Clear, Darlings!!!!!!!! Prissy Does NOT Drop The "F" Bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Silly, silly cineastes, girls!  I guess some people have nothing better to do, no lives of their own, so they make up rubbish, like this!!!!!!!!!

                                   Elsewhere on cyber, there is a debate going on, concerning the conduct of the character Prissy (played by the great Butterfly McQueen) in the film classic, "Gone With The Wind."

                                    There is a small group who maintain that during a crucial scene, she "drops the "F' bomb.  That is, she is seen to mouth word "fuck" on camera.

                                       You all know the scene, girls.  The war is coming, everyone is stuck at Aunt Pittypat's ( on Peachtree Street, loves; damn right, you bet I would know that!!!!!!!) and, at dawn that morning, Melanie (played by the still surviving, at 96, Olivia De Havilland!!!!)  has gone into labor.

                                         Scarlett (the magnificent Vivien Leigh) accosts Prissy on the stairs, saying she, with Scarlett's help, will have to deliver Melanie's child.  Whereupon the famous line is delivered--"I don't know nothin' 'bout 'birthin' babies!"  Followed by Scarlett delivering her a stinging blow across Prissy's  face!

                                           Girls, let me stop here to say, I would have done the same thing. If I had been left alone, in a sweatbox of a house, with the War coming down my street, Prissy, and a pregnant woman basically too frail to give birth, anyway, I would have thrown Prissy down the stairs!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Once, in later years, I saw Butterfly McQueen interviewed.  She talked about the film, and Prissy, and how, at a recent screening in Atlanta, a little white boy came up to her, saying Scarlett should not have slapped her.   I recall Butterfly laughing, saying she thought Prissy should have been slapped!  "I think Prissy was horrid!" she said.

                                              On the heels of this classic confrontation, Scarlett walks down the stairs intent on finding Dr. Meade (Harry Davenport).  Prissy is seen bending over the stairwell, watching Scarlett leave, and I think that is when people who believe this say she mouths the word.  Because, in the next instant, she is seen walking towards Melanie's room, singing "Few mo' days fo' tuh tote duh weary load....." and when would she get the chance to do this at this point??????????????

                                                 Now. I have sat through "Gone With The Wind" more times than I can count--definitely more than 30 viewings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Never have I ever made this connection, have I noticed anything, nor has this idea ever occurred to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   You know what this means????????  Future screenings of "Gone With The Wind" will be impaired, because, once this scene is arrived at, I will be watching carefully.  I refuse to believe such rubbish!!!!!!!!!!!   And there may be one screening coming up sooner than we know; the film celebrates its 75th Anniversary next year, (2014) so it would not surprise me if some screenings are scheduled. I hope so, as it has been several years since I saw it!!!!!!!  And I only view this on the screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                       As for these rumormongers, to them I say what Scarlett says to Prissy.
I would slap them all silly, then say, "I'll sell you South, I will!  I swear it!  I'll sell you South!"



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