Monday, January 7, 2013

What A Weekend It Was, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Darlings, the year may be new, and Monsieur and I may be older, but things show no signs of letting up yet.  Just before I left work, on Friday, Christopher, one of my lovely co-workers, asked about my plans. When I told them what they entailed, he asked, "Are you going to be here on Monday?"  When I replied I had every intention of doing so, he was amazed, saying something about my energy.

                                     When one is the Raving Queen,the social whirl does not let up!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Friday was the birthday of my movie maven friend Harvey.  As MERYL will several months later, he has reached the age made famous by the Lennon-McCartney song--64!  An age I have funny feelings about, not only because of the song, but,.more importantly, that was the age my mother was when she passed away on April 2, 1979!  Which is coming up on 34 years, hard to believe!!!!!!!!!

                                         The Harvey Birthday Celebration was held--where else??--at the famed Good Stuff  Diner, on West 14th Street, between Seventh and Sixth Avenues.  Monsieur and I had not been there in awhile, and I am happy to report that their salad with balsamic dressing and their rigatoni bolognese  are as superb as ever.  Harvey was surrounded by a bevy of boys, who all paid him homage, and some of us gave gifts, tasteful ones, like Monsieur and I (a Bed, Bath and Beyond gift certificate!) and more ribald ones, like "The Big Penis Book," which I had never heard of.  A good time was had by all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          The next two celebrations were David's!!!!!!!!!  Saturday night, Auntie Alvin drove out to Bay Ridge, and we dined at this wonderful Middle Eastern place, on Fifth Avenue.  We had been there before, the food was as superb as always, but not only is one given way too much food (Auntie Alvin took his home!!!!!!!!!) but I, darlings, simply cannot eat like  I used to. What age does to one!!!!!!!!
There is this fabulous appetizer, made of white beans and tomato sauce, with spices, and I am telling you, that, with a plate or rice, would have been plenty!  Next time, I will make that decision.  But the chicken and curry, which I had, was superb, as were Auntie Alvin's lamb chops, and Monsieur's roasted chicken!!!!!!!!!
No one left here, hungry, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Sunday, we were feasted and feted for Monsieur's birthday, by none other than--UNCLE ERNEST!!!!!!!!!!  The place of course, was the Second Avenue Deli, now on East 33rd Street, off Third Avenue.   We all had corned beef sandwiches; I especially loved those pickled pickles, with cole slaw, and wonderful Matzoh ball soup.  Again, we weer full, but not bloated.  Though that was it for dinner that night.
As for Uncle Ernest, well, I thought he was showing some of his age!!!!!!!!!  His hearing, never good, seems to be getting worse, which may have accounted for his not being as entertaining as in the past!!!!!!!!!!  One had to shout for him to be heard, and it was hard, as Monsieur said, for him to engage with us, as his hearing is bad.  In fact, when we parted, he distinctly told Monsieur to contact him by email, rather than phone, because he does not hear well enough for the latter!

                                                Poor Uncle Ernest! He's a wounded bird!  Maybe he needs to have his wings clipped, the way Auntie Alvin does his birds!!!!!!!!! If only, he would clip his toenails!!!!!!!!!!!  Auntie Alvin, I mean!!!!!!!!!!
Click, click click!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                   Yes, it was amazing how we got through the weekend, but somehow we did, and here we are. And, though it is only Monday, the card seems already fall for this forthcoming one!!!!!!!!!

                                                      The Raving Queen is back on the beat, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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