Saturday, January 5, 2013

Oh, My God, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is She Auditioning For "Evita???????????"

                                 When it comes to change of hairstyles, darlings, no one has gone through more than Hillary Rodham Clinton!!!!!!!!!!! Or maybe it is just because we have actually SEEN her go through them, being she has been one of the most public of public personalities since showing up on her husband's first Presidential campaign.

                                    Having lived through the Lewinsky scandal, Chelsea's travails, and, just recently, her own, you have to hand it to Hil, for stamina, courage and endurance.

                                       But what is it with this latest look????????   You have to wonder, girls!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, she is more "mature," and often that dictates a change, but sometimes those changes have not always been for the best, nor have they been the most becoming.

                                          Like this!!!!!!!!!!  Again, I ask you, is she auditioning for "Evita????????"  It sure looks like it, with that hair.  Having recently departed Broadway, where the revival disgraced itself, I can honestly say, that, without having heard a note, and, just by the presence she radiates in this picture, Hillary could very well trill a more credible rendition of "Don't Cry For Me, Argentina" than the weak voiced Elena Roger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  In fact, it might be interesting to hear.  Bet Patti Lu Pone would get a kick out of it. And I bet she was NOT amused by Elena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            If this is the look Hillary wants to go for, fine!!!!!!!!!!!!  Her voice might not blow one away, but her authority is sure to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Stand Back, Washington D.C.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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