Friday, January 4, 2013

Something To Think About Also, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I see this poster staring at me each time I go to Bagel Schmagel, one of my favorite neighborhood hangouts.  Now, you know how important my coffee is to me, especially--MOST especially--in the morning.  If I were to go without, I would become a regular B-I-T-C-H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I mean, even more than I am already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Who cares about this 5 Hour Energy Drink?????  I swear, if you drink that stuff, I think it could kill you!  Or some, at least!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Which is why I stick with coffee, aka Java Joe!!!!!!!  Though I have to disagree,
I have never done stupid things while drinking coffee, only when I am not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Caffeine--the New Intellectualizer, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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