Thursday, January 17, 2013

This Bitch Is No "Sherry, Baby," Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          My, girls, how the week flies!!!!!!!!!  Another Thursday, another Bitch Of The Week!!!!!   I know all my girls remember the classic song by the Four Seasons, "Sherry."  ("Sheeeeeeeee--eery-ba-a-by! Sherry, baby!")  Well, our winner this week happens to have the same first name, but she is nowhere close to being the Sherry Frankie and the gang sang about.  You do NOT want this one to come out, tonight.  You do not want her ANYWHERE, except locked up.

                                             Sherry Henry  is a lesbian.   No problem with that, girls. She and her partner, Lisa Stone, lived a comfortable existence, in a Dallas suburb.  Nothing untoward at all--until Lisa disappeared, sometime around June 6, 2010, when a neighbor says that was the last time she saw her.

                                                 At first, Sherry had it easy. Lisa was away on business, or even, with questioning plausibility, had run off, without  telling Sherry, who didn't, let me tell you, seem the least bit broken hearted  about it.  Or over Lisa's disappearance, in general.  And, as the months went on to well over a year, and no sign of Lisa, a group of her friends "The Facebook Detectives" got on the case, and got the police interested in not only Lisa's disappearance, but Sherry as a suspect.

                                                   Don't let that Joni Mitchell/Mary Travers hairstyle, coupled with a kind of Gwyneth Paltrow resemblance fool you.  Sherry is one cool customer.  She is a sociopath. She cooly disavows having anything to do with Lisa's disappearance, while incriminating herself at the same time.

                                                     For instance, it was known Lisa and Sherry were having financial problems.  And it was known Sherry had a past criminal history for forging bad checks.  In addition, there had been a six figure life insurance policy, taken out on Lisa.  All of which Sherry confirms.

                                                        But wait, darlings, it gets better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   It turns out Sherry was cheating on Lisa, with a girl friend on the side.  She wants one to believe Lisa knew about it, theirs was an open relationship.  Yeah, right!!!!!!!!!!!  You want to know what happened, girls????????  It is so obvious to everyone, but sociopath Sherry denies it.

                                                          Sherry and her slick chick (name unknown) wanted to get rid of Lisa, so they could be together. And Sherry wanted to cash in on that life insurance policy, for she and her new partner. So, with the other's help, Sherry killed Lisa, most likely at the house.  The body may have been dismembered (because no body has yet surfaced) and left in a dumpster--perhaps the same one where Sherry was later seen dumping some of Lisa's personal items.  Why, if she was only "missing?"  Why, indeed?  Because she was more than missing, she was DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                            I am telling you, Sherry is one of the coolest Bitch Of The Weeks I have ever seen.  Self-righteous, defiant, and accusatory, even to the journalist who is just doing her job by interviewing her.  Well, let me tell you, Sherry, your act does not fool me or anyone reading this. Sooner--even if it is decades--something is going to catch up to you, or you will pull a similar caper, (if I were that current girl friend, I would watch out, because sociopathic behavior has a bit of the compulsive to it!!!!!!)
and then you will be exposed for the bitch you are.  And by then you will be a harridan, whom no one will want!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                               So, here is to Sherry Henry, the current Bitch Of The Week.  Even if she is not telling WHERE Lisa is, everyone knows she has been disposed of, and by whom!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                Your days eventually will be numbered, Sherry!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Thanks for helping us spread the word that Lisa Stone is still missing. One of our Facebook group members just posted this...we had not seen it before. It's been over 3 yrs and we are still searching for justice for Lisa! Thank you for your thoughts.

    1. Hi I am just curious who is Sherry Henry? Does she has a job? With what I watch, she is a person who never show any concern of Lisa. If I am the person she calls "girlfriend" I better be alert about insurance, fraud and know her more.

    2. I hope you all find out what happened to your friend Lisa...I am praying the truth to come out...god bless

  2. I have been a FB member of "Looking for Lisa Stone" for quite some time.The LADIES that founded this organization in search for their beloved and missing friend are held in my eyes in the highest regard... they have ALWAYS used their love, professionalism.honest and their faith and stronghold on friendship to carry them through this injustice and the loss of Lisa...they have NEVER used the words you so abundantly use to help SOLVE the criminal aspect of this case and bring their beloved sister back home...and her killer to justice. Please look at their words , their positive actions, and all of their loved ones that have sacrificed, more than I ever could imagine for their soulful fight to find Lisa...No name calling. No accusations...If you truly want to help. and I think you do, please do it in a spirit that brings integrity to all her dear friends that have worked years to bring this to the public's eye... they have shown NOTHING less in all the years...Thank You.

  3. Thank you for following Lisa's Story. Lisa is still missing, with NO help from Sherry. Sherry has moved on and given us no answers or help in Lisa's disappearance.I loved this article and REALLY appreciate you printing it. You stated the truth and the facts! :)

  4. This article is absolutely taking the words right out of my mouth (and thoughts) about Sherry. I think everyone of us who went to high school with her think this same exact way. Thank you for saying what everyone (everyone I know, at least) is thinking.

  5. I wish sherry could get rid of you, your kind, your site, etc. Then maybe she would kill herself.

  6. George Bell, im not a lesbian, but an intellectual, and you sound like a homophobe my friend, meaning you put the gays down, but truly and deeply want to be homosexual....its ok honey....u can come out....lmao its always so fun to pick you guys out....and you are so angry....just submit to your true desires and you will be happy George Bell!!!!

  7. as for Lisa, i will pray Sherry gets what she deserves, altho sometimes it does not work out that way, but hopefully she is looking over her shoulder every day and wondering when the cops will come for her....that is a paranoia nightmare so hopefully she is living it!

  8. Seriously people, I've read all of the documentation regarding this missing person, however I fail to see why you are prosecuting someone which is - the last I checked in this country - presumed innocent - unless proof is brought forth - and there is none. Have you even considered the fact that this Sherry person may actually be innocent. Coming myself from being prosecuted unfairly - I have so sympathize with this woman.

    1. Another dumb bell! Yeah she's about as innocent as Adolf Hitler

  9. This case is a simple on to the naked eye but without evidence hard to solve. I saw this show 48 Hours and watched the story and felt so awful for Lisa. I also am into trying to find missing people as I believe no one deserves to be missing and the families and friends not knowing anything and having closure. A few nights after watching the show I had a dream that they found a little bit of blood behind a baseboard in the house they shared and the one where the bathroom was meticulously clean and the rest of the house having cat hair and to the best normally lived in clean. Nevermind about all the furniture being thrown away...To this day I am wondering if they go back and try to luminal the house if they would find something. All it takes is one drop of blood or DNA to prove the case. I believe Lisa also loved Sherry more than Sherry loved her. Something about SH gives me the willies since I too came across one of those in my first relationship. Out for her and nothing would get in the way. There has to be a way for them to get her to confess as one part of the story she got quiet when questioned. It was if she had to quickly think of an excuse to the question. She never filed a missing person report because she was NOT missing she was DEAD! So many things point to her having a part in her disappearance. I wish a new set of eyes would get involved.

  10. This case is a simple on to the naked eye but without evidence hard to solve. I saw this show 48 Hours and watched the story and felt so awful for Lisa. I also am into trying to find missing people as I believe no one deserves to be missing and the families and friends not knowing anything and having closure. A few nights after watching the show I had a dream that they found a little bit of blood behind a baseboard in the house they shared and the one where the bathroom was meticulously clean and the rest of the house having cat hair and to the best normally lived in clean. Nevermind about all the furniture being thrown away...To this day I am wondering if they go back and try to luminal the house if they would find something. All it takes is one drop of blood or DNA to prove the case. I believe Lisa also loved Sherry more than Sherry loved her. Something about SH gives me the willies since I too came across one of those in my first relationship. Out for her and nothing would get in the way. There has to be a way for them to get her to confess as one part of the story she got quiet when questioned. It was if she had to quickly think of an excuse to the question. She never filed a missing person report because she was NOT missing she was DEAD! So many things point to her having a part in her disappearance. I wish a new set of eyes would get involved.

  11. This case is a simple on to the naked eye but without evidence hard to solve. I saw this show 48 Hours and watched the story and felt so awful for Lisa. I also am into trying to find missing people as I believe no one deserves to be missing and the families and friends not knowing anything and having closure. A few nights after watching the show I had a dream that they found a little bit of blood behind a baseboard in the house they shared and the one where the bathroom was meticulously clean and the rest of the house having cat hair and to the best normally lived in clean. Nevermind about all the furniture being thrown away...To this day I am wondering if they go back and try to luminal the house if they would find something. All it takes is one drop of blood or DNA to prove the case. I believe Lisa also loved Sherry more than Sherry loved her. Something about SH gives me the willies since I too came across one of those in my first relationship. Out for her and nothing would get in the way. There has to be a way for them to get her to confess as one part of the story she got quiet when questioned. It was if she had to quickly think of an excuse to the question. She never filed a missing person report because she was NOT missing she was DEAD! So many things point to her having a part in her disappearance. I wish a new set of eyes would get involved.

  12. This case is a simple on to the naked eye but without evidence hard to solve. I saw this show 48 Hours and watched the story and felt so awful for Lisa. I also am into trying to find missing people as I believe no one deserves to be missing and the families and friends not knowing anything and having closure. A few nights after watching the show I had a dream that they found a little bit of blood behind a baseboard in the house they shared and the one where the bathroom was meticulously clean and the rest of the house having cat hair and to the best normally lived in clean. Nevermind about all the furniture being thrown away...To this day I am wondering if they go back and try to luminal the house if they would find something. All it takes is one drop of blood or DNA to prove the case. I believe Lisa also loved Sherry more than Sherry loved her. Something about SH gives me the willies since I too came across one of those in my first relationship. Out for her and nothing would get in the way. There has to be a way for them to get her to confess as one part of the story she got quiet when questioned. It was if she had to quickly think of an excuse to the question. She never filed a missing person report because she was NOT missing she was DEAD! So many things point to her having a part in her disappearance. I wish a new set of eyes would get involved.

  13. This case is a simple on to the naked eye but without evidence hard to solve. I saw this show 48 Hours and watched the story and felt so awful for Lisa. I also am into trying to find missing people as I believe no one deserves to be missing and the families and friends not knowing anything and having closure. A few nights after watching the show I had a dream that they found a little bit of blood behind a baseboard in the house they shared and the one where the bathroom was meticulously clean and the rest of the house having cat hair and to the best normally lived in clean. Nevermind about all the furniture being thrown away...To this day I am wondering if they go back and try to luminal the house if they would find something. All it takes is one drop of blood or DNA to prove the case. I believe Lisa also loved Sherry more than Sherry loved her. Something about SH gives me the willies since I too came across one of those in my first relationship. Out for her and nothing would get in the way. There has to be a way for them to get her to confess as one part of the story she got quiet when questioned. It was if she had to quickly think of an excuse to the question. She never filed a missing person report because she was NOT missing she was DEAD! So many things point to her having a part in her disappearance. I wish a new set of eyes would get involved.

  14. I just watched this sorry again, & this woman is just cold...even while passionately claiming her life has been turned upside down there is no real emotion in that...if I were being falsely accused I'd be doing EVERYTHING to prove to EVERYONE I was innocent...I'd be more than courtside with police, with Lisa's friends that are trying to find her & with reporters, but she's so indignant, as if she has the right to be so...& why on earth would everyone else who knows Lisa (& even done who don't-i.e. the salvation army) be lying about everything while she's the only one telling the would the fb detectives have her personal belongings if Lisa hasn't put them in that dumpster, why on earth would the cops have questioned her to the point of "harassment" yet never ask her whee Lisa is? also, why not offer to take a polygraph...they're not admissible in court, so it can't get her indicted, but it could show that maybe she's telling the truth...she's so adamant, so cool under pressure, if she's telling the truth, she should have no problems passing a poly...this woman I'd just not a good person...bad people don't change, as she claims to have after betting caught during a check from Lisa's father's account...if she's still with the same woman she was with at the time of Lisa's "disappearance", she'd better be sleeping with one eye open...

  15. She is a cold piece of work, all right!

  16. Excuse me but your comment "your days being numbered" sounds like a threat

  17. Not really, dear! I just hope they are!

  18. @xizzi: Your days ARE numbered SHERRY. That isn't a threat. It's a FACT.

  19. Dear lord baby Jesus, this is a blog page!! The Queen has an American right to blog his/her own thoughts, don't like it? Move on! So sick of the judge "mental" Americans. Who cares that she was a lesbian who cares that she had a ton of cats? This woman is missing #alllifeisprecious

  20. @xizzi: Unless you are SHERRY'S CURRENT "lover". Then you should know that SHERRY'S day's are numbered.

  21. I have worked in law enforcement, and thankfully this case so obviously is showing us exactly who is responsible for the disappearance of Lisa Stone.

    In other missing persons cases, how many times have we heard the lover, husband, wife, next of kin, friend, (suspect) etc. say "well they just took off," "they left for another man," " they had a drug problem no one knew about," "they didn't want to be a wife and mother anymore." I've heard that in multiple cases. And in many of those cases, a break was made and it was proven that the suspect(s) in that case was in deed the perpetrator. And only then would they give some type of a confession as to what they know, or did.

    As for the comment about the fact that we should consider someone innocent until proven guilty, I agree. UNTIL the preponderance of evidence is so overwhelming that it points to one person, and all trails keep leading back to that person. That person is Sherry Henry. There is way too much circumstantial evidence that strongly suggests that she is the reason Lisa Stone is no longer with us. And think about it. Let's say that she is telling the truth. She was with Lisa for 15 years, and she had NOT ONE positive, loving, or caring thoughts or comments about Lisa. One would expect to hear her say something like, "regardless of what our relationship was like at the time of her disappearance, I miss her terribly, I am so worried about her, I wish she would call or get in touch with me and/or with her family and friends." "I have searched endlessly for her and have helped her friends and family look for her for endless hours." ⬅ She has done NONE OF THAT. She has done none of that because she knows there is no reason to do that, you don't search for someone who is deceased. (Remember, we're still waiting on OJ Simpson to search for his wife's killer)

    If Sherry Henry is truly guilty of the crime of murdering or causing the disappearance of Lisa Stone, what I would say to her is this: Live the rest of your life to the fullest. Eat, drink and be merry. Go on vacations and travel the world. Spend time with family and loved ones like Lisa's family and friends are unable to do with her. Do all of the things on your bucket list because this physical life lasts but only a blink of an eye compared to the eternity you will endure when you pass away. NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING can and will compare to what you will endure for an ETERNITY when you pass over and have to stand in judgement in front of our maker. That Judge will not let you get away with the crime of taking the life of another. But, of course, according to you, you are if that is true, then you'll be fine (right?).

    To Lisa Stone's friends and family, I wish you all the very best of luck in searching for what will break this case wide open. Try to remember the great times that you all spent together with your friend. But keep in mind, if that doesn't happen, and the person(s) responsible for this crime is never brought to justice in this world, they will not get away with it in the next!

    All My Best-

    1. the god delusion has you truly hooked. No god no eternal punishment it's all bull. Aren't you a little old to be believing in fairy tales?


  22. You are absolutely right. Sherry will be held accountable in ETERNITY!!!!!!!!!!

  23. I have rarely been so intrigued by a missing persons case..I did not know Lisa or her friends, but I am so moved by their dedication to her. I think they went above and beyond what Lisa would have expected and it's a shame that all their hard work and the time they've devoted to searching for her is still not enough for an indictment. I am just an ordinary citizen, but even I could see how cold and manipulative Sherry Henry is. She defines sociopath. I agree with Paige in that she has much to account for..but the murder is only a portion of that. Her heart is black and without even a glimpse of compassion, grace or remorse..we can only pray for her conscious to get the best of her..and for her soul if it doesn't. As for Lisa, my heart is broken for her and for how carelessly her life was taken. I will pray for her friends to keep their faith in finding justice for her. God doesn't miss anything girls..He saw the end from the beginning..He will make all things clear..and His justice is always on time.

    God bless ~ Mona


  24. Listen, she's telling the truth, honey! Sherry has no conscience!

  25. geez, all you people have way too much time on your hands, so I am whack for submitting a comment?? wow! how immature and disturbing one person can react so violently to a comment. what a horribly frightening world we live in :( I'm so happy I got a job since my last comment as I have better things to do than to be drawn into such negativity, but you guys keep it up as I am sure your life is much more boring than mine.


  26. Just for the record, darling, boring is one thing my life is not!

  27. @xizzi: Good! You're better off just doing your job and keeping your thoughts to yourself in regards to this case. This broad is guilty as sin and I would bet my very life on it. And what's disturbing is that you can't or WON'T see it either because your brain is disturbed, you are in love with her or you ARE Sherry. Which is it?


  28. Maybe the answer is all 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Wish I lived closer I would live to shadow her 24/7. Just keep nawing at her

  30. Wish I lived closer I would live to shadow her 24/7. Just keep nawing at her

  31. I just watch 48 hours.... She killed your friend... Money was the reason. I think Lisa noticed money went missing. It is why she was broken. She may asked back and they fought and she killed her.
    The police are incompetent.... They allowed she take evidence away.
    It is very sad.
    If that bitch still free.
    For sometime I started to pray for hell to exist.
    I hope she goes to hell. What a lier. Psychopath bitch lie.
    Anyway is not her house..

  32. Greetings! Examine the post closely. Sherry is not the type to hold down
    a normal job. She is a sociopath, with a past criminal history that
    includes forgery, so she can come up with money, just not in the
    legitimate way the rest of us do. Which makes her nasty and dangerous.
    I don't know if you are the person she calls "girlfriend," but I
    would say, if you have any kind of proximity to Sherry, sever it


  33. Never mind what I believe in, doll!
    And who is calling me delusional?
    You need a reality check, dear!

  34. I saw part of the 48 Hours show on this morning, I wish I had watched the whole thing. Sherry is yet another sociopath who skates through life without a care. I hope she gets busted sooner than later.


  35. A.R. Henry,

    I agree. She is a sociopath, and
    that behavior is hard to suppress.
    Sooner or later she will do evil again.

    Had no idea Sherry was dating another
    woman. You are right; she is in serious
    danger, and should make a run for it,
    while she has a chance. Leopards seldom
    change their spots, and I do not see Sherry
    changing anytime soom.

    Thank you both, for sharing!

  36. The Facebook page seems to be missing now. Does anyone know why they took it down? It can't be because Sherry threatened to sue them, because that would force Sherry to be deposed about anything they could want to ask.

    I saw the 48 Hours episode just now (recorded it earlier this month and have just been able to finally sit and watch) and wow. Sherry is such a freaking *ucked up lying bitch that I can scarcely believe that she isn't in jail already! If for no other reason than for being an intolerant hateful bitch of a woman.

    I'm surprised she didn't deny the conviction on stealing money from Lisa's father. She has already called the police liars, her friends liars, the neighbors liars and even lied saying a SWAT team came in to search her home. Why did she admit her conviction? Seems like she may as well have lied about that too. Why not?

    Has the police gotten a warrant for Lisa's bank and credit card records? Maybe it's time for them to take a close look at where the money was going, for real. I'm pretty sure the one using cocaine was Sherry and possibly her other lover.

    Did anyone notice the twitch Sherry made when Maureen told her that it's not just the Facebook friends but the police and Lisa's neighbors too? I saw it.

    The weird thing is that Sherry looks very familiar to me. I'm not sure why. I could swear I've met her before, somehow. I did used to live in Texas. Anyone know anything about her background? I'm sure it's not from TV.

    Oh well, I just hope that they can finally slap those cuffs on her. Does she really think that anyone actually even believes a single word out of her mouth? I'll bet her "partner" left running as fast as she could after watching that show.

    It's an easy conclusion. If Lisa had truly disappeared and Sherry really loved her, she'd be actively looking for her. Instead, she's resisting helping at all. The ONLY ONE who would resist is the one who killed her.


  37. I concur with everything you say. Thanks for
    your comments!

  38. Guilty! It is obviousl. Only no proof.

  39. Probably thought that nobody was going to miss her.


  40. Mdmaldo,

    I agree. Maybe she dismembered
    Lisa and scattered the remains.
    She is sick enough.

    I am a great believer in what
    goes around comes around.
    This bitch will get hers.

    Thanks for your comments!

  41. God, somehow this woman must pay for what she did. She is a murderer

  42. I just watched 48 hours mystery this morning on own, and find Sherry classless and she doesn't want to answer any questions, which right away I could tell she is guilty as sin. Good luck to the Facebook detectives and I truly hope Sherry gets what's coming to her, and hope Lisa is found so she can rip and have closure for all friends and family!


  43. I second all you say.
    And yes, Sherry has no class!

  44. Sherry, you may never be convicted in a court, but you have been found GUILTY by your peers! And now the world sees your sick evil soul!


  45. Unknown,
    I am with you, all the way
    on what you said. Sick
    and twisted, she is!
