Wednesday, January 16, 2013

We Need A Little June In January, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I have had a funny relationship with the month of January all my life, and it continues, with additions.  For starters, as was made clear early on, my November birth was two months premature; had I been full term, I would have been born in January, 1955, not November 18, 1954.  Added to which, my beloved Monsieur is--literally--a New Year baby, being born on January 1.

                                  For two months, everyone is dashing about madly--what with Thanksgiving, Christmas, and, for me, my birthday, which is right before.  Then, on January 2, it all comes to a screeching halt.  There is a waiting period, till January 6, when, by tradition, the Christmas decorations come down.  Just last night, I noticed the overhanging street holiday lights in my neighborhood had been taken down, a sign that the Season has ended, and we are now in the doldrums of Winter.

                                    Let me be the first to say, with gratitude, that, thanks to Monsieur and that cozy Bay Ridge apartment, where I can read or watch TV, this period is not as angst ridden for me as it has been.  But with it comes annual reactions---the post-Holiday letdown, the worry over the arrival of my W-2; if I had my way, they would arrive on January 2, so I could get it off to my tax preparer, and thus relieve my mind of this burden.  And though I have never missed a filing yet, my anxiety and fear over this is so high during this period that I feel, even now, jail is in store for me. Which I know is irrational, but it happens every year.  Which is why I wish I never had to file income taxes!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Part of getting through this are nice events--the birthday celebration of Monsieur, our joint birthday celebration with our friend, Judy, and the upcoming extravaganza that will be our friend Bruce's celebration--especially as he reaches the pivotal age of 65, and embarks on that journey many of us dream about--retirement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       And Theater Queens, take note--forty-nine years ago tonight, at the St. James Theatre, Carol Channing opened in a little something called "Hello, Dolly!"  Maybe it's time to put Carol on the CD player tonight, and walk down those Harmonia Gardens stairs, even if you don't have stairs, even if it is only in your dreams!

                                         Poor January!  It is the most disliked month.  It doesn't have to be, but it just is, coming on the heels of December. So remember, girls, each time this period rolls around, to bring a little June into January--a treat, a hair treatment, dining at one of Lidia's restaurants--whatever does it for you!

                                          Then, before you know it, it will be Valentine's Day!  Kiss, kiss, everyone!!!!!!!!!

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