Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Ash Wednesday, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Well, girls, here we have arrived at another Lenten Season.  As is said on this day, "Remember, man, that you are dust, and to dust thou shalt return,"which means that while you are a fully fleshed being, you had better damn well make the most of things!

                                   But not during Lent.  Lent is when we look inward, and, when we were children, we used to give up things.  In childhood, it was so easy--chocolate, a TV show!!!!!!!!  Today, in adulthood, it is a little more difficult--work?  how can one?  Sex?  are you kidding?  you think I know anyone who has given that up, for Lent?   Coffee?  A good possibility, but I would be hell to live with for the next 40 days.

                                     Maybe "Investigation Discovery?"  Or at least one program thereof?  It is something to think about.  Along with self-reflection that comes from Lent.

                                        Remember, this is a day of fast and abstinence.  You are only supposed to eat one full meal.  And no meat--today, Good Friday, and all Fridays during Lent.  It is tough, I know, but, remember, if you are invited to a party this eve, and the hostess serves Chateau Briand, you can either abstain, or you can eat.  Jesus would always be a good guest, and eat what he was served, so if you eat meat by accident today, girls, don't have a conniption!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          I am telling you. things a re just whizzing by--Lent,  Uncle Ernest's birthday, Valentine's Day, my friend Joe's birthday, the Oscars.......before you know it, it will be time once again for the Mermaid Parade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Happy Lent, everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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