Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Birthday, Kim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           Where does the time go, darlings?????????  I just can't believe it.  Today happens to be the 80th--yes, that's right, 80!!!!!!!!!--birthday of Kim Novak!!!!!!!!!!!!  Is such a thing possible????????

                                              Back in the Fifties, when Kim starred in "Picnic," wearing the famous pink "Moonglow" dress, seen above, everyone--girls and some boys, let me tell you!!!!!!!--wanted to be her.
When I saw "Picnic" for the first time around my early teens, I felt the same way!  Though, truth to tell, I would rather wear the white fur coat Kim wears in Alfred Hitchcock's "Vertigo!"

                                                  Just look at that waist line!!!!!!!!!!  How many girls of mine out there will see the like again?????????????  Not me, I can tell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Time has marched on Kim, just as it does on us all! She may not look like Madge Owens anymore, but, at 80, you can bet she is looking better than some at that age, if not younger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                         No wonder the late, and brilliant, Susan Strasberg, felt a little out of it, working with someone as stunning as Kim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Can you blame her????????

                                                          But for now, let's wish Kim the happiest of 80th birthdays!  And in honor of her, or for Valentine's Day, do that "Moonglow" dance, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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