Sunday, February 3, 2013

Happy Birthday, Blythe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   We should all look THIS good, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  What this day means to us is that it is Blythe Danners' birthday!  And not just ANY birthday, but today Miss Danner reaches the age of 70!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Can you believe it, girls???????????  Blythe Danner, 70??????????  If  it happens to her, I guess sooner or later it will happen to all of us!  Like menopause!

                                        But Blythe, at 70, is different from others at 70!  First of all, now that she has reached this age, 70 becomes the New 50!!!!!!!!!  And, like the professional that she is, what is Miss Danner doing on her natal day? She is performing on the Broadway stage, as Matthew Broderick's mother, in the musical "Nice Work, If You Can Get It!"  If there are any of you out there who have still not seen this show, wouldn't this be a lovely day to take it in?  And wish Blythe birthday wishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I hope her cast and crew have a backstage celebration, with cake and candles!!!!!!!

                                        Best Wishes, Blythe!  Thank God there is still some REAL glamour out there!

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