Monday, February 4, 2013

Now, Tell Me, Girls, Do I NEED To See "The Ring Cycle?"

                                I just discovered, darlings, that the Metropolitan Opera is doing three complete sets of Wagner's Ring Cycle this Spring. Now, as you know, I am certainly not one of those Vicious Opera Queens; I mean, they are SO naaaaaaaaaaaaasty!!!!!!!!!!!  I have a basic working knowledge of the opera, but don't go ape shit over it. Nevertheless, this is considered one of the great epic works of the genre, and so the question is racing through my brain--do I NEED to see it?

                                  A similar question ran through my head over a year or so, with regard to a book.  In particular, "The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich,"by William L. Shirer.  Without question, one of the last century's greatest historical and non-fiction works.  But, do I really need to read it?   At 1280 pages, it is quite a demand on my time and my psyche, considering what it deals with. Do I want to invest my time in something that is going to bring to the brink of, well....emotional fatigue?????????

                                    The answer I concluded, with no regrets, is no.  But "The Ring Cycle" is a different proposition. It is less of a time investment than reading Shirer, and the staging will be visually stunning.  I have heard both sides of the case for Wagner's music, but have never actually heard a note of it myself.  And it involves a goodly amount of cash.  Going to one opera these days is hardly cheap; going to four, at the risk of disliking the experience, (especially after what I recently went through after listening--just listening, mind you!--to Blitzstein's "Regina!") seems like a dismissal of money I cannot afford to let go of, and an exercise in masochism.

                                      I don't think the performances begin until sometime in March or April.  So, I still have some time to make a decision.  But, girls, what do you think?  Is it something I NEED to experience????  I have to confess I could get more worked up over potential operatic adaptations like "Strait-Jacket," "Plan 9 From Outer Space," or, how about, "The Children's Hour?"  I would run to these, no matter what, in a SECOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Alas, I cannot muster the same enthusiasm for Wagner.  Is there something wrong with me?  Am I depriving myself of something that a so-called person of culture such as moi, ought to experience??????  I will be interested in hearing what any of you have to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Meanwhile, I am holding off on getting tickets, just yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. This is a tough one. I've never seen the cycle live, however I HAVE seen two productions on PBS from the Met; the last just a couple of months ago. While I thoroughly enjoyed all four operas, they are LONG. Especially the last two which, with intermissions will clock in at about 6 hours each. This is very heavy going German opera, which to me, would be unendurable without supertitles. But I feel, without trying to sound grandiose, one should see them. Of course this is easy for ME to say, since I enjoyed them while sprawled on my sofa! If you DO go, I can't wait to read your report!


  2. Hmmmm...OK,,,I will give it serious consideration. I have watched some operas--not these--from my sofa as well; not the same experience. I also have a couple of friends who are Opera Queens, and will ask them. If only you could get a package deal--because four visits at whatever each is expensive, no matter where you sit!
    Rest assured, if I end up going,
    there will be a full report on here!
