Friday, February 1, 2013

"How'm I Doing," Girls??????????????????????

                                    Darlings, let's face it, Mayor Koch, who passed away early this morning of congestive heart failure at the grand old age of 88, might not have wanted to admit it, but he was one of us!!!!!!!  He may not have been much to look at, but you know he just had his collection of BARBRA records, and when he started hanging out with Bess Myerson, and the NY POST ran a cartoon called "'Fatal Attraction'--Starring Ed Koch And Bess Myerson," people wisely thought, whom were they kidding???????

                                   Koch was as known as a character as much as a politician--rumors and things just followed him everywhere.  His homosexuality. Bess Myerson.  The whole thing with Sukhreet Gabel, and of course, his trademark greeting, Ed Koch would have been as at home on the Borscht Belt Circuit in the Catskills, as he was in the city's political arena!!!!!!!!  When he retired, he should have done stand-up, honeys!!!!!!!!  But  then, every time you watched him, it often seemed he was!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   David Dinkins' may have been  New York's first official Black Mayor (which probably, to this day, pisses off the Rev. Al Sharpton, that he did not get  there first!!!!!!!!!!), but Ed Koch was New York's first unofficial Gay Mayor!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    And how about the young Chinese boy, who was supposed to be  his lover????
What was his name????????  Hoing Choing??????  And where is he now, darlings???????  Probably sweeping rats off the floor below Mott Street, at that downstairs opium hangout that everyone (including yours truly!!!!) goes to, called Wo-Hop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Also, girls--help me on this--wasn't there some kind of Off Broadway musical made about Koch??????????  Which makes him the second mayor (Fiorello LaGurardia was the first!!!!) to be musicalized!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   All in all, a colorful persona and personable politician, who will be missed!!!!!!!

                                  I mean, when it comes to NYC gay politicians with style, whom can we count on??????  Tom Duane????????  Christine Quinn?????????  Come on; Obesity Central??????????????



  1. Well,if he WAS gay, it makes it even more inexcusable that he completely turned his back on the aids crisis when he was mayor. Because he was a "colorful" character, his time as mayor has been rewritten. I lived in Manhattan during his time, and the city was a cesspool. Every time I'd see him on TV saying "How'm I doing?", I used to yell back at the screen "Lousy!" As much as I dislike Giuliani personally, he did more for NYC than Koch ever did. Larger than life, brash and amusing character, BAD mayor.


  2. I would have to agree. Koch had a personality; Guilianni did not, and while I loathed him politically, you are right, he did do a lot! not to mention I give him credit for dressing up in drag as Baby jane Hudson! The ugliest man in drag, next to Gene Hackman!
