Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Phone Sex Sicko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Poor Patty Jo Pulley!  First, to be saddled with that name--even if by marriage--then to be killed by her own husband.  There was even a book, "Kiss And Kill," by Dale Hudson, published back in 2008.

                                     But I am getting ahead of myself.  Of course, I was introduced to all this, via "Investigation Discovery," on their show "My Dirty Little Secrets," and, girls, I am telling you, the secrets were coming just right and left!

                                        And, of course, the actors playing Rick and Patty Jo in the reenactments were more attractive than the real ones. Though Patty Jo, I will say, at least was decent looking.  Take a look at Rick!!!!!!!!!!!  What a fat slob!  No wonder he could only have phone sex!!!!!!!!!  Who the hell would go near him?????????

                                         Ricky and Patty Jo were pillars of the community, which was somewhere near Caswell County, North Carolina!!!!!!!!!!!  The South, again, darlings!!!!!!!!!!  As soon as I heard he was an ordained minister,(whose church was called the River Of Life--oh, brother!!!!!)  she a church musical director, and they were described by all as "a Christian couple," I said to myself, "Uh huh!"  Those are the ones you have to watch out for.  You can bet there is going to be trouble in this Paradise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             One evening, in May, 1999, Rick went to what he described as "a community play."  Wonder what they were presenting?  Maybe "Dial M For Murder?" And why hadn't Patty gone with him???   When he returned home, he said, Patty Jo was missing, as if she had run off. Which was what conclusions came to, and Rick was viewed by the community as a sympathetic victim of a tragic loss.

                                                 Then, four years later, some remains were found under a bridge nearby, and they turned out be what was left of poor Patty Jo. Forensics proved she had been murdered, and the culprit was none other than Pastor Rick.  I am telling you, girls, having just read about an evil pastor in "A Land More Kind Than Home," and remembering Robert Mitchum's turn as one (though I believe he just impersonated a pastor, he was not really one!!!!!!!!) in "The Night Of The Hunter," it looks like there is more truth than fiction lets on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    The truth here was that the pastor, was, for starters, embezzling funds from his own church coffer.  He was using this to finance both an affair he was having with another woman ,(he had had one prior to all this trouble, but he and Patty Jo kissed and made up then) and to finance a highly expensive phone sex addiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        Girls, I have a couple of things to say about Pastor Rick!  The first is, if you look at his picture, phone sex is probably the only kind of action he could get!  This woman he had the affair with probably was in it for the money, alone, and rolled him for what she could get out of him!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                           But, you know, I know these types!  Rick Pulley probably went on the phones lines, trilling in a high vibrato voice, calling himself "Tiffany," or something equally euphonious, as he kicked back the high heels he was wearing, encased in stockings and panties, working himself up to a cackling orgasm, while wishing he had a vagina!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Honey, this kind of sicko has been around longer than Joan Rivers has been doing stand up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                              I don't know which Patty Jo found out about first--the affair, or the phone sex bills. In any case, she confronted him with both, and Mr. Control Freak snapped, killing her on the spot!  Nice!!!!!!!!!!!  If you ask me, this guy was so dumb and naive.   He didn't have to run up high phone sex bills; all he had to do was go on Craigslist; there are enough sickos on there! He could have advertised what he wanted, gotten some local types to chat him to climax, and there would have been no need for high bills, or murder!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank God these two did not have children!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                Rick went to trial, was convicted, and is serving a life term in prison, where he belongs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   No phone sex there, doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                   I am telling you, the next time you hear someone espousing their so-called Christianity a little too effusively--RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                    Which is why I stick with Jennifer Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. I completely agree. some of the worst perverts on this earth are "Preachers"


  2. Jim.
    I could not agree more.
    There is some truth to that
    old expression "wolf in sheep's
    clothing," even if the sheep
    here is plug ugly inside and out!

  3. No confidence for role poly fat boy made him a bully boytheiving liar.
    Hid behind stupid paster followers
    Safe in nick don't think k lags would screw this loser
    Pasters are mostly con men with no chance of progressing in life

  4. Just seen picture
    As he had sex change
    Repulsive looking and person
    Hope he rots in cell


  5. Paul,

    I could not agree more. I
    think his days of freedom are

  6. Is Mr. Pulley currently incarcerated?


  7. Dear L. Eggert,

    As far as I know. I have
    not heard anything about him
    being released, or even up
    for parole.

    Readers, if I am wrong, feel
    free to correct me!

  8. Tore up from the floor up. His picture made me throw up in my mouth a little. He reminds me of Matt Baker, another minister that killed his wife.

  9. Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the one.



  10. Unknown,

    Love the church name. It would
    make a great horror movie title.
    Thanks for sharing!
