Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I Think, Darlings, This Should Be Mounted As A Stage Play, Or A Musical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Sweeties, I just cannot get "Die! Die! My Darling" out of my head!!!!!!!!!  Maybe I am going round the bend, like Mrs. Trefoil. But, then, I never had a son to emasculate!!!!!!

                                Years ago, I still remember, the late lamented Glines Group on Grove Street did a rendering of the Bette Davis classic "Now, Voyager."  They did the Casey Robinson screenplay, word for word, with some of the roles being played by actors in drag!!!!!!!!!  I recall the actor playing the Gladys Cooper role--the mother!!!!!--stole the show!  That's the role I would want to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Then I got to thinking of Charles Busch.  I knew I had seen "Die! Mommy Die!, but was it a riff on "Die! Die! My Darling!?"  Only by the similarity of title.  And with a stage version of "Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte" floating around, with Varla Jean Merman, I am surprised no one has thought of reworking "Die! Die! My Darling!," as a musical, or simply, as the Glines did, mounting it as a stage drag piece?????????

                                       Where is Charles Busch when needed????????  I suppose with his adaptation of the children's classic "Bunnicula" (which I would LOVE to see!!!!) something of a hit, such an idea might not interest him, now?????????  But 'Darling" is a natural for Busch and his troupe! The question is, whom would Busch play--the nutcase Mrs. Trefoil, or the Stephanie Powers role of Patricia Carroll???????  I would love to see him do the Powers role, and see what kind of a spin he would put on that.  I, of  course, would LOVE to play the fanatic Mrs. Trefoil, where I get to force  feed the unsweetened oatmeal to my imprisoned potential daughter-in-law.  (If you have never seen the actual 1965 film, this scene alone is worth it!!!!!!!)

                                             But watch out for whomever is cast is Anna, the bulldyke housekeeper with hands of steel.   The actress Yootha Joyce just about stole the film from Stephanie and Tallulah--no small feat, that!!!!!!!!!--in the original film, and that possibility would exist on stage too,  But I might have a few scene stealing tricks up my sleeve, were I to play Mrs. Trefoil. And it would be a nice break from Fantine!!!!!!!

                                              So, how about it, loves?????????  A stage version of "Die! Die! My Darling!"  Tell Charles to get cracking at once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                "My poor Stephen!  I...I can only rejoice that he died unblemished!  A virgin soul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                    Yeah, you old bat!!!!!!!!! And it's all your fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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