Tuesday, February 26, 2013

TV's Next Investigative Hottie, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Girls, not since Mark Safrik on "Killer Instinct" has there been such a hot behaviorist as Darren Kavinoky on "Deadly Sins."  Even in his elegantly tailored suits, from that church set (because I cannot for a minute believe it is a REAL church; Catholicism simply would not allow it!!!!!!!!) you can see how buff he is.  Once I mastered the spelling of his last name, (which took some time, because on the program it is flashed so quickly, and so minuscule I could not completely see it!!!!!!!!!!) I looked up some information, and discovered, that, like Safrik, he is not just a pretty face!

                                               He is a criminal attorney, and a journalist.  "Deadly Sins" is not the only program he has been associated with, though it is the only one I watch him on!!!!!!!!!!  I was relieved to discover he was not a priest, for I feared the suit masked a Father WhatAWaste, but, unfortunately, girls he is married, and with a daughter, so that is quite a chain to break away from. But who says he can't have fun??????

                                                In fact, the reason he is so buff is that he is an endurance athlete, running in all sorts of marathons, triathlons, etc.  Wouldn't it be great seeing him in his running outfit, darlings???????
Not to mention hosing him down, afterwards?????????

                                                   As for me, I would just settle for a cozy dinner with wine, joined by Darren and Mark Safrik!  The discussions we could get into, I am telling you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      Saturday nights have just heated up, girls!!!!!!!!!  First, Darren on "Deadly Sins," then "Scorned Love Kills!!!!!!!!!!"


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