Friday, February 22, 2013

What Is It With These Straight Men, Darlings??? The Relationship Is Not Working, So You Off The Girl Friend?????????

                             Girls, I am telling you, first Oliver Pistorius, now Rob Morrison!!!!!!!!!!!  No sooner have we heard about the shooting of Pistorius' girl friend through a door--this guy must be some shot, darlings; better than Annie Oakley--than comes the story of news anchor Rob Morrison getting into an argument with his flame, and trying to choke the life out of her, with cops summoned, and Morrison making threats during arrest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 What is it with these guys?  It used to be if things weren't working out, you said farewell, went your separate ways, and moved on.  Now, it seems like instead of breaking up, you break a neck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Things were much simpler in the days of Neil Sedaka!!!!!!!!   Breaking up may have been hard to do, loves, but now it has become downright murderous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I have to wonder--just wonder--were Pistorius, and/or Morrison drunk,  or drugged up????????  Not that that excuses them, but it gives a context!!!!!!!!!!!!  Have they been secretly taking steroids, with raging testosterone????????  I don't see the evidence in their appearance!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          At one time a "fatal attraction" meant a man falling under the spell of a maniacal woman!   Now, I think, in this post millennial age, it is the men's turn to go psycho, and, if these gentleman are any indication, they are doing a first rate job!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            And let's not forget serial rapist Greg Kelly, son of the NYPD commissioner!
He belongs in this Rouge's Gallery, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            It makes me glad I am gay, where, from what I hear, all that gets done is some bitch slapping, and the confiscation of a table centerpiece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                             Throw this bunch into Henrietta Hudson's on Saturday night, and let's find out how tough they REALLY are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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