Friday, February 22, 2013

The Question Need Never Be Asked, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I would find it hard to believe that anyone reading on here would not know the 1965 film, "Die! Die! My Darling!"  The screenplay, by the veteran Richard Matheson, is taken from an obscure novel called "Nightmare!," by Anne Blaidsell, which might be interesting to read, though not nearly as fun, I am sure, as the campfest this turned out to be.  The whole thing plays like Tennessee Williams On Speed!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  It was a Hammer Films production, meaning it was shot in England. When released there, it had the one word title "Fanatic!," which made sense, considering the character of Mrs. Trefoil (Tallulah Bankhead) .  Over in America, they wanted a more commercial sounding film, and as Tallulah does say the title line within, it was changed to such, which I think is a much better title, and hints at the campiness to follow!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   The plot is deceptively simple. Patricia Carroll (Stephanie Powers, fresh from "The Girl From U.N.C.L.E.," and at her most........Stephanie Powers) is visiting England with her current fiance.  She had been engaged to Stephen Trefoil, but he was tragically killed in a car accident, which may or not have been accidental. (I am talking here about suicide!!!!!!!!)  Feeling pangs of sympathy, she pays a visit--alone!!!-- to the man's mother, Mrs. Trefoil, and that is when things get loopy.  There is no Mr. Trefoil; there is mention of his passing, but I have to wonder if he too ended his life (could you imagine living with Tallulah?????) or if he just ran off, in which case I would not blame him.  She is DEVOTED (with a capital D) to the memory of her late son, Stephen, is fanatically religious about it and other rituals, and when Patricia balks at these,  and ultimately tells the old lady she was gong to break it off with Stephen, because she knew they weer not right for each other, (Uh-Huh!!!!!!!!!!) the mother goes off her bird, and the cat and mouse game begins!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Next to Tallulah, Yootha Joyce steals the show, with her portrayal of bulldyke housekeeper Anna, who would give Miss Wintour a run for her money, when it comes to nastiness!   At least Wintour is attractive, and knows how to dress!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          That is basically the entire movie.  But the story of Stephen forms an interesting back point, just like the story of Sebastian in Tennessee Williams' "Suddenly, Last Summer," from which, I am sure, this is derived.

                                             I can't get over how many in cyber argue over the question of whether or not Stephen was gay!!!!!!!!!!!!  Is there any question at all???????????  Start with the fact that he grows up with Tallulah as a mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But let's look at some other points closely!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               When Patricia met him, Stephen was, presumably, living on his own, which meant he escaped--more likely, RAN--from his mother's clutches!  He was probably attracted to Stephanie--no problem there!!!!!!--but when push came to shove, so to speak, either consummation was impossible, or Stephanie recognized the situation before Stephen did!!!!!!!!!!

                                                    Had Stephen ever been with a man??????? Hard to tell.  He may have had some trysts, pre-Patricia, but my guess is he was embedded in the closet, still wanting desperately to please his mother. And when he met Patricia, who was everything Middle Class a mother could want, he saw hope.  But once those hopes were dashed--however they were-- he could not handle it, and so ended his life!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                      At least that is the way I see it!  Poor Stephen!!!!!!!  At least we know Sebastian got some action on the Cabeza De Lobo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                        There was just no way Stephen could have remained under his mother's roof!  Even if he had wanted to be an actress--yes, I mean actress!!!!!!!!--do you think Mrs. Trefoil/Tallulah would have allowed anyone to upstage her??????????  Even her own child?????????? Not a chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                          And giving up acting for Stephen's father???????? Not a chance, with that secret room, we see near the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                             You just gotta love it, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!  But there is absolutely no question that Stephen Trefoil was gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                 Like the proverbial three dollar bill, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Apparently when Tallulah saw the rushes she said "some actresses are filmed through gauze; they should film ME through linoleum!"


  2. I believe it! Did you happen to see Valerie Harper in "Looped," when it played here! It concerned the period during DDMD!!!!!!

    Valerie was going to tour it, but backed out for health reasons. In what I think is the height of irony, Stephanie Powers is going to play Tallulah! She has lots to draw on!

  3. Yes I saw Looped and thought Valerie was terrific. Stephanie sure DOES have alot to draw on! "Is that lipstick Patricia??? Go and remove that FILTH at once!"
